very simple game.
combat has been streemlined to the point that if you had some pre-made PC's, and one GM who knows what he's doing, you could get a game going and never read the books.
Char. Creation has become a bit more complex, but I'm looking forward to the online PC generator.
should make the entire process entirely painless.
new best solo-fighter class: Cleric.
highest damage pr. second: Ranger.
Best Tank: Fighter
Thieves are the best at killing things, as about half their attacks ignore armor. but their lack of 'range' is a serious drawback if you don't have a tank there to aggro the attention off of you.
Magic: finally, someone who can keep up with the fighters, blow for blow. no more 'one magic missile and then you are worthless for 8 hours. ' as in the previous versions. they get more than 4 HP at first level. and they'll always have a magic spell ready, even if they have been fighting the goblin hordes for two weeks straight without rest.
I never liked that the fighters best attack, say, swinging a sword he could do every time, but a wizard's best attack, casting a spell, he could only do once. and they did about the same damage.
this system balances it out a lot better.
I like it.
-RuskiFace the Pirate