I'm good- I applied for Loma Linda University to finish my Bachelor's in Science, and I'm working lots of hours as an EMT, as well as setting up a ridealong program for them with new EMTs from a local college. So that's all good things.
I played SR 4th edition a couple of times, but the truly unpleasant guy was the one who kept trying to get everyone into it, so we didn't get far with trying out the new ruleset. Actually, that's not true- my friend Noah made conversion rules for Star Wars with the d20 rules, which was a lot of fun, but also didn't get very far.
Currently I'm running games at a game shop here in Riverside, which they seem to like very much. So I DM a lot of Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition, which I really like. We don't play a lot of Shadowrun anymore, which I miss.