Hey, now that this version has been around for awhile, I was curious what everyone's take on it was.
Like it? Love it? Hate it?
My brothers and I (the core of our shadowrun experience) ran a couple of times with the 4th edition rules, even though I was kind of a butthead and dragged my feet on changing over to the new system. We liked it, but didn't really have enough "oomph" to run it as a regular thing- my brother Ruski, who really likes 4th edition, was busy with this whole 'becoming a cop thing,' and 'the wife thing,' and 'new kid thing,' but now he's a little more settled in, and I'd like to try running it again.
My major complaints about 4th edition Shadowrun are about the same- new characters are severely underpowered (whereas in 3rd edition, runners were able to be pretty bad-ass; now they're at the far bottom of a very tall totem pole), and it doesn't hold continuity with a lot of the 3rd edition storylines. Plus, they got rid of all the Shadowrun lingo, and replaced it with meme and lolcats (aka "more current" lingo), including replacing shadowrun slang and profanity with our slang and profanity- which in the SR universe, would mean that suddenly, eighty-year-old swear words became popular again. That bugs me.
I was working with the team that does the free monthly "Shadowrun Missions," and that's a good group of people- men and women who love Shadowrun. I wasn't with the program long enough to get the free swag, but they do quality work.
What does everyone else think? Are the new update books any good?