Our first game on Friday (5/1/2009). Unfortunately my wife couldn't make it since she was up the night before very late studying for a test that day. But she still wants to come to the next one.
It was myself and 3 others. 2 of them this was there 2nd role playing session of all time (their first was a marathon of D&D 4th edition, which they actually didn't like). Our group consisted of a half elf fighter, elven druid, gnome cleric, and human mage (me). Being a first level human mage I played him as I suspect all good role players would play: with a sharp wit and all too aware of his mortality (I had 3 HP!!).
We had a blast playing though. We played a written adventure in the Forgotten Realms setting run by a good friend of mine. I had never played with him as a DM before so I didn't know what to expect, though I was really excited just to have the chance to play. He did an awesome job as we all had a great time until around 12:30 to 1:00 AM when everyone was getting dead tired. We had been oblivious to the time until then, otherwise I suspect we would have called the game sooner.