My apologies, I didn't get a chance to get online last night. We had what we in the PCC call a 'haboob;'

And between the rain and wind, my back was in knots. So I played Syndicate with my brother instead. I highly recommend that game.
Anyway, I have date night tonight, but I have a scenario figured out, and I'll get some maps and stuff, and should be ready to go by Friday. I hashed out the details with Ruski, and I think we have a good scenario that will give non-Sylvester characters a chance to shine.
That being said, I need you to figure out which section of Denver your character is living in. Your choices are UCAS, CAS, Sioux, and PCC. If there's another one I'm forgetting, feel free to mention it. I need to figure this out to figure out what border crossings you'll need to deal with to get there (a common occurrence in 'the Treaty City' of Denver).
Gary/BS, if you could post some of your character background (at least, what you would want the other players to know about you), and update your character sheet, I would appreciate it.
Bull, if you could get your revised sheet up by Friday, I would appreciate that, too, although there's a little wiggle room between when we start and when you'll definitely need to have it done by.
I'm going to assume that Zone is bowing out unless we hear otherwise from her.
- kv