A couple quick things- I spent last weekend at my family's place, and had some quiet time to read over the Shadowrun books (cover to cover- which I haven't done in a long time).
A few rules I noticed; they may be common knowledge, but I wasn't aware of them, so I'll be trying to enforce them better in the future.
Ingo, the system rating handicaps program ratings- so a commlink with a system rating of 4 can only run programs at rating 4, even if the program itself has a higher rating. Feel free to edit and tweak your character accordingly.
Bull, the number of fetishes you can bond is controlled by Logic. I haven't double-checked the numbers, I just saw this and wanted to make a note of it.
Also for the magic stuff, I'm divided about the spells again. What I was reading in the books talks about minimum number of successes (threshold) for spells, and most combat spells are opposed tests rather than requiring a threshold. Which makes me feel like if the defender gets more successes than the caster, they're not resisting the 6P+3 successes, they just have to beat 3 successes to push off the effects of the spell. I'll re-read the section, and I have Street Magic as well (assigned reading for the weekend), so I might find the answer myself, but I'd appreciate feedback from you guys or thoughts you have on the matter.
I was going to set up a map of Denver with the little icons for your 'approximate position' and stuff, but I don't have access to a computer with maptools, and I won't until at least Sunday night (but let's be honest, I won't update until Monday at the earliest).
Sorry for the delay.
- Matt