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Author Topic: Welcome to Denver (OOC)  (Read 74019 times)


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #270 on: May 26, 2012, 12:55:13 AM »

3rd down tattoo on face.

But Kid is right you got to know your ground and Denver most complicated property in the world.  Here is a quick breakdown of a few things that people forget.  There is the old adage "Never deal with a dragon."  Well unfortunately in Denver that hard to do since it is ran by one.  Ghostwalker came in reigned hell down on the city and then pretty much conquered it.  Then he reorganized the whole place and it runs better (fear of a dragon eating you inspires a lot).  The city has it's own police force that is taken from each territory and works in other territories.  That prevents corruption and/or screwing around as the other guy probably isn't on his side.  So you got  4 sectors with laws that don't vary much but vary enough that it could get you in trouble.  Then on top of that you got all the corporations with their own laws and the right to enforce them.  The bars, nightclubs, malls, stores, and eateries are owned by those corporations. So if you take any side work ripping off cars or stores know you might be pissing in someone's corn flakes. 

That was the legit side of things  don't forget you got gangs and mobs.  These guys have there own little wheelhouse and they don't like things mucking it up.  Also there are the other 'deniable' assets out there who don't like people cutting in.  Taking jobs from them mucking up jobs for them or just putting the hurt on their friends.

I got a great example as I have ran the shadows of Denver before.  We were on a simple escort job crossing two borders .  We were all in the UCAS had to cross over into CAS pick up a guy, take him to the pick up site to confirm the shipment, and then get the shipment over to the UCAS.

So I am the leader of this little team it's three street sams, a mage, and me an adept.  So we get the guys (with a few complications) get the shipment confirmed and start going back.  Well the reason why we were hired shows up to try and steal the shipment.  We take them down but in the process we blow through a checkpoint.  So city went into lock down.  Well we got away scott free from the law but the runner community found out and our next run we ran into interference from some locals whose job we botched by getting the borders shut down. 

Oh best line of that little run was when picked the guy up.  I went to the kitchen to get  asoda came back in and the GM saying boom hallway explodes in wood shards of the door and the window blows out of the apartment as the guy is coming down the fire escape.  Since I was out of the room the GM asks me what my reaction was.  ""What the hell did he say?", the question was in the direction of the person I sent up.  I found out later  he walked up and knocked on the door and said "We've come to getcha."  Not knowing someone was gunning for the guy and he was paranoid.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #271 on: May 26, 2012, 02:15:59 AM »

Bull, I already have an image for Kinsey... unless you want me to get a new one.
(your current image in Liam Neeson, who played Kinsey in the movie).

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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #272 on: May 26, 2012, 02:26:29 AM »

Oops sorry thought that was for all of us.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #273 on: May 26, 2012, 03:08:30 AM »

If you would like a new image, feel free to google-fu one and post a link.

Here's an update. It probably didn't take me from 4pm until 3am to hammer it out.

  - kv
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1) Shoot First
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   If you can do that, you can survive."
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #274 on: May 26, 2012, 08:31:28 AM »

I pick #1. He's the only one with a weapon. Besides, I like the hat. I'm gonna have to get one for Galbraith. Maybe I'll name his next alias Clint Westwind or something.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #275 on: May 30, 2012, 11:22:58 AM »

We've got a post from everyone, so I'll start working on a response.

Ingo, just so I mention it now, McHughs has pretty good matrix security- a decent system, with admins needing a physical key to make administrator changes, and a spider that telecommutes to control the system, make sure the guards are paying attention and that the manager isn't just sitting in his office downloading bunraku feeds.

  - kv
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
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3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #276 on: May 30, 2012, 06:58:25 PM »

We've got a post from everyone, so I'll start working on a response.

Ingo, just so I mention it now, McHughs has pretty good matrix security- a decent system, with admins needing a physical key to make administrator changes, and a spider that telecommutes to control the system, make sure the guards are paying attention and that the manager isn't just sitting in his office downloading bunraku feeds.

  - kv

I.e. probably not a good idea to try and hack into it?

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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #277 on: May 30, 2012, 10:35:18 PM »

or is that a challange? don't you have a comlink with mostly rating 6 software?
I bet you can take on a single spider no problem. spiders are mostly drone guys, thoes pilot skills take up a lot of space. not to even touch the drone combat applications: gunnery, remote close quarters fighting? and its been proven that every drone guy wanted to be on the bomb squad and wastes at least 3 points on demolitions. there's no way his skill pool can trump yours!
seriously though: you may want to be careful, and put some karma into looping any footage on or about a 'live' setting.
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #278 on: May 31, 2012, 11:32:19 AM »

Ingo, it's just a friendly word of warning that there's going to be a hacker on the other side of that node, the kind of guy who is being paid to stop you from doing whatever it is that you're trying to do.

The node itself is going to be moderately difficult, but there being a live spectator in the system is what really discourages people from hacking McHughs (and yet another reason it's so family-friendly and safe).

Ruski, I think I'm going to need a Cha + Influence / Con check to get the keycard away from the manager who isn't supposed to let anyone touch his keycard. I'll give you big fat bonuses for being a trusted employee, his fear of rats, and him already having seen you at work on site. I'll figure out the exact modifiers when I get to sit down and look over my books, but it'll probably be around the +4 dice (for you) level. I'll know more when I have time to put together a post.

Bull, you should be good, but I could use an astral perception check to figure out how much of what you saw and how much of what you saw you understood.

Bulletsponge, you keep doing what you're doing. Try not to collect a bounty on all your fellow runners- it will probably make you unpopular with the group; and by unpopular, I mean you'll be dead. ;D

  - kv
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1) Shoot First
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #279 on: May 31, 2012, 05:41:56 PM »

I don't know what the success is since I don't have perception.
That was the roll thought I posted it in my post but guess I didn't.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #280 on: May 31, 2012, 07:23:37 PM »

ahhh, and thats why we run back to the shack. you may want to put a point into observation. two if you can spare it.
Observation, Stealth, Haggle (in any of its many forms), and unarmed combat are the 'gotta have' skills. even if you think: 'my guy wouldn't need to do that... gotta put at least one point there.
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #281 on: June 03, 2012, 06:33:19 AM »

See I disagree on the unarmed combat part of your assessment.  I played an adept with swords, sticks, and fists and got in close a few times because of it.  one of two things happened when I hit them with either my fist or melee weapon 1) his armor absorbed the impact and his body did the rest doing no damage or 2) his armor  and body doens't absorb all of it and I do usually to 2 to 4 points of stun/lethal damage and then he puts  3 rounds into me.  I hurt his feelings but he just ruined my day that is if he doesn't have a more powerful/faster firing weapon into me.  We were in game for 3 months one of those I was down for 1 of those due to all the injuries I got.  I had one guy empty a Ares Crusader into me at point blank, that was a bad day.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #282 on: June 03, 2012, 09:46:24 AM »

but what happens when you go up aghinst a spirit immune to all normal weapons? or your disguise / local security requires that part of the run be completed sans-armor/weapons? and suddenly from behind the taco cart... something that you need to destroy?
*shrug* or you get in a friendly bar-fight, where exchang a couple blows is okay, but killing everything would be bad for the rep?
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #283 on: June 03, 2012, 02:52:47 PM »

Well our GM said we got into enough trouble without having it randomly having it happen to us.  Also knowing our luck that guy in the bar we got into a fist fight to would be like a gang leader or something.  I think we all had the bad luck trait except our GM didn't translate it into bad rolls.  As for the other stuffif you have to get into a fist fight with a spirit you are already in deep doo doo.  The other one honestly our GM never like the idea of a completely weapon free area.  His 2070 weapons were pretty common.  If you walked anywhere without one pistol on you you were an idiot (go figure the teens weren't strapped).  I even had a shop as one of my locations for my adept called run n gun.  Little gun shop to pick up those extra rounds if you needed it.  I was a true shadowrunner cause I could only run at night lol.

Though I love the ideas and will keep them in mind for my game I plan on running in real life.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #284 on: June 03, 2012, 05:36:53 PM »

whopsie! I left 'athletics' off the 'must have' list.
now; its possible to not need any of those skills.
a wheelchair bound rigger probibly won't be using athletics on a regular basis.
and if you've got a decker with combat paralasis, then fisticuffs won't get used often.
and with any build you gotta pick your battles; skill wise. Is your PC the sort who likes to shoot his way out of trouble, or talk?
most of thease skills just represent the checks that get used the most in any given game.
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