Right I'll play if this is still going.
I'm making a character on the fly. I assume 400 bp.
Fliss, The shy pixie
Pixie (35)
Stats 2 7 7 1 , 7 6 2 3 (170)
Magic 6 Edge 6 (115)
Qualities Positive: Adept First impressions, ambidextrous, way of the adept, Astral chameleon. (30)
Negative: Incompetent (intimidation) Amnesia, pacifist, In debt 3(-35)
Adept powers: Improved reflexes 3 (3pp) Improved ability Infiltrate 4 (0.75pp) Unseen hands 1.5(pp) Cloak rank 4 (0.75pp)
Stealth 1
Infiltrate 6
Social 4
Perception 1
Pistols 1
Gymnastics 1
She has amnesia so no contacts.
15000 Nuyen + 3bp gear= 27000 nuyen
2 silenced chameleon coated skin linked Morrissey Élan -6 to perception -8 concealability modifier, Undetectable by mad scanners.
50 stick and shock 400 6s ap half
Soft weave formfitting armour, Counts as 2/0 for encumbrance
Soft weave padded leaver armour Counts as 1/4 for encumbrance
PPPS 900ny modifies armour rating by 2/4
Ballistic mask 300 ny 1/2
Total armour rating 11/13
Reuthinium coating
PPPS works like helmets and shields adds modifies armour but doesn’t modify encumbrance.
Total armour cost
Renraku sensei
Sony emperor
Cmt clip
Sim module + trodes
Fake sin rating 3,
Fake sin rating 1,
Sense enhancement
Contact lenses vision enhance 3
Ballistic mask, Image link, Thermo graphic low light, flare comp
Earbuds Audio enhancement 3 + spacial recogniser
Keycard copier
Cellular glove molder
Lifestyle 12, (necessities 2 , comports 2lp Neighbourhood 1lp, entertainment 4 security 1, No neighbours 1, Home grown farming 1, green plan -1 free access node +1.
Fliss has no idea who she is, She knows she’s a pixie and that they are incredibly rare, She knows she can’t speak any other language than English, so she thinks she might have come from England. How she got here though she has no idea. Still she likes the place she woke up in, her home a tiny hidden oasis of green in the city and seems to have a decent budget to spend in luxuries. She spends a lot of her free time watching people invisibly and she’s learnt a lot from overhearing idle conversations. The only time she really socialises is when she takes a “shine” to someone which has almost a magical effect on her, she stops being the secretive keeps to herself pixie and becomes the cutest bundle of joy you could imagine. Those someone’s she takes a shine to tend to be about 8 years old and female though and on a rare occasion a beautiful adult with as peaceful a disposition as she has.
Fliss’s home
Fliss has taken residence in the roof of an abandoned house that’s stairs have collapsed, (No neighbours) the roof shaped like ^--^ has allowed her to make her own little garden which she grows her own food from (home grown farming). She’s put a few solar panels on the inner roofs sections that she draws her power from (green plan). Her house has no central home node and her only matrix access is from a nearby (free access node), that said she never access’s it from home, in fear of being traced. Any appliances she does have; have their wireless functionality switched off, and she’s perfectly happy with that.
The only access to her house would be flight or climbing up the house. She’s always very careful to erase her equipment and self of any rfid tags and to make sure no one is following her and that she’s concealed when she flies home.
The majority of the money spent on her home is on entertainments, almost all of which is spent out on the town, restaurants going to nature parks etc.
Dice pools
Infiltrate 20
All other stealth 11
Social 14(16 first impressions)
Pistols (holdouts only) 8 dice
Gymnastic dodge 8 dice
Perception 8 dice (11 auditory visual)
-Cloak, -6 dice pool to be detected by search
-Concealment - 6 to perception to spot from astral plane
-Concealment + chameleon suit -10 to spot from Material plane