Bull, I'm not really sure how to respond to that...
I mean, I think I know how I should respond, but I just want to make sure you're clear on it.
Springbok sent you an Fake SIN (Rating 3 specialized for McHughs, rating 1 for everything and everywhere else), worth between 1,000¥ and 3,000¥, plus licenses for all cyberwear (or in your case, magical status and some spells), which run about 100¥ a pop. She did all of that as a 'good faith' payment to get you to show up.
You show up, give her some lip (I understand, swagger is important to the character), and she tells you that she can flag the SIN you're using as a fake, which will bring the friendly and professional staff of McHughs over to stun-gun and sleep-gas and generally make you unconscious; and your response to that is to be rude to her face? This may not be the best job interview tactic ever.
Springbok is a scared 16 year old girl, and I think she'd just flag your SIN and have the security (and/or your fellow runners) take care of you, but we're waiting for Ingo to post, so I'll think it over this weekend and try and come up with something that's mutually beneficial.
If you want to discuss this with your fellow runners, or edit the post, I'd be fine with that.
- Kv