Sorry, no die roller for these boards, although if you wanted to focus your puppy-dog stare at Ingo, he's the local hacker to get it done.
Until then, we've been using Invisible Castle, which I like because I can actually look up rolls (and roll histories, for those people sad enough to cheat), if I need to.
For instance, rolling for Scarlet's diplomatic skillz (note the Z of intensity), nets you the following:
16d6.hits(5) → [6,6,6,1,4,2,2,4,2,1,1,6,5,4,2,6] = (6) a link to the roll is considered good manners)
Using the code is simple; if you want to make a normal roll, the code is:
Xd6.hits(5), where X is the number of dice you want to roll
If you want to make a roll that uses Edge, and therefore has 'shooting 6s,' the code is a little more complicated:
Xd6.hitsopen(5,6), which would give you a success on a roll of 5 or better, and add additional dice if you roll a 6.
Hope that helps.
- kv
Edit: Okay, apparently I posted OOC stuff in the IC thread (again), but I fixed it myself this time)