Bull, I still need an action for you. If you're moving, where are you moving? If you're staying put, are staying exactly where you are, or are you ducking behind the counter for more cover?
There's no way to know what the Red Samurai's aims are- unless you know me and my gaming philosophy; I love storylines, so I'm a sucker for a good story more than I am a stickler for the rules and making sure every little loose end is tied up. I like big worlds, I like characterization, and I love NPCs that have more flavor than a cardboard cutout that you get to stand there and look cool in front of.
Maybe these guys are Red Samurai, the elitest security force the Renraku has on staff- or maybe they're ARES Firewatch, dressed up to the nines to make it look like Renraku is behind this attack. Maybe they're just a bunch of punks who ended up with some Renraku equipment that fell of the back of a truck, and they're trying to use it to hit some big money. Maybe this is a team of seasoned Renraku veterans, who work together like a well-oiled machine; or maybe they're a newer team that doesn't quite trust each other yet; maybe they just got a new team leader reassigned after the last lead got geeked, and they haven't quite settled into the new guy yet. Any of those are possibilities.
And, the truth is those grenades could be any kind of grenades- white phosporous, flashbang, high explosive, or IR smoke. You don't know what their standard operating procedure is. That's where the imagined peril and story's dramatic tension come from.
- Logain