Just for comparison, stun damage can be slept off pretty easily- so if you drink until you pass out, that's the full amount of stun damage- the headache you wake up with five hours later is about half of your full damage, and what you have by the end of that day (last vestiges of the hangover) is about one or two boxes.
I'm not thrilled with the idea of people jumping character concepts every mission- because every character has weaknesses and flaws, and no concept is bullet proof (pun intended). I've been a Shadowrun player and GM for a long long time now, and I know plenty of tricks to get even the most well-balanced characters, and most characters made by starting players are not that well-balanced. No offense meant.
PBP has some struggles in and of itself, as it's a medium that moves much slower than a face-to-face game. Since Back to the Shack (a.k.a. Food Fight) took six months of game time on here, and usually only takes about the first twenty minutes of a face-to-face session (assuming everyone has a character and is ready to go), you see what I mean. Twenty minutes of game time = six months of PBP.
I understand wanting to try out character concepts and ideas- I rarely get to play, and I have a million concepts bouncing around in my head. Sometimes I'll just write up a character for the fun of writing it up and getting it out on paper. A few of those characters are waiting in the wings as stock characters, if someone comes to one of my games and says "oh, I want to play, but I don't have a character," but mostly they'll never get used. I'm okay with that, sometimes I just need the creative process. I also do that same thing with games concepts- which is equally frustrating when the only outlet is a PBP, and I know the game will lose steam (or players will lose interest) before it ever gets finished.
All of that being said, I'm not going to force everyone to keep the same characters, but I will be a little bit harsher on new characters than I am going to be on familiar ones. So Sly and Eric Dubois might be able to talk their way past the velvet ropes at the club to see Mr Johnson, because they've been here before, while the new guys will get the standards (or above standard) hassle requiring bribes and etiquette.
That's just my way of balancing out the new versus the established party members. If you're okay with that, feel free to jump to a new character, but if I see a repeated character-jumping, it's going to cause problems. Problems of the 'nobody likes you, why should they trust you, you just got here five minutes ago' variety.
- kv