We can skip over the nitty-gritty of re-binding all the foci and convincing the friends and family of Kinsey that he's not a souless being from the Beyond that wants to eat them, and just enjoy the story (and the immortal Kinsey- feel free to have fun with it).
My thinking here is that I'll have very limited time to post for the near future- I was posting on my lunchbreak, which I would spend with my wife (we used to work together), but now she's staying home with our new baby (Code Name: Violence), and I don't have access to a computer at lunch. I also have those awesome sleep patterns associated with a newborn, so even when I am home and having the access to the internet, I don't always have the will- and the will I do have, I have to split between all the plates I have spinning in the air. I have told my games at Mythweavers that I'll be taking a baby-related hiatus, and that's the plan for the immediate future, but we'll see how much further I need to pare down before this solution becomes workable.
More on this situation as my mental health degenerates!
In any case, I'll post another excerpt to kick off the next 'story' in the main thread, which will become more fun and less about the strictest interpretation of the rules, and just stick with the story format that's more fun to write. I know Ruski is busy, but he's promised to stop in and put together a yarn for our enjoyment.
I also owe Bull and Bulletsponge their own private threads, which will continue along a more game-oriented and rules-using trajectory, so that if/when we finally to get back into the Denver Missions, we'll be able to continue using these characters (if you want). If that's like a year from now, we'll stop and take a quick gauge of who wants to use what characters, and go from there.
- kv