Sorry if I am coming off as some sort of nay sayer or devil's advocate here.
It seems to me we may be making the smartgun and smartlink system smarter than they are. Also one of the problems with the smartgun/link system is that if he doesn't have them plugged directly in that means wireless and that means he can be hacked. It's harder than hell but I did pull it with a hacker I played once and did a simple command switch of friends to foes and foes to friends which prevented the guy from shooting at us at all.
Now onto the quote on Recoil note that it says action phase not initiative pass. This means that he would get a -1 if he fires the same gun in the same initiative pass. Bullet Sponge may have already made this point but also look at page 147 of SR4A where it states: Note that single-shot weapons may be fired only once per Action Phase. Likewise, only one long burst may be fired in each Action Phase. So if he has more than one initiative pass per action phase even with two SS pistols he only firing two rounds (one from each pistol). I believe this is where the movie magic type stuff hits because you know big heavy revolvers kick like mules and it takes a second or two to line back up just from that. I mean if you read the descriptor on the Super Warhawk it's a Dirty Harry quote.
That's true about the wireless smartlinks, but that can easily be bypassed by using a skinlink system, or cables as you mentioned.
I think you may be confusing Initiative Passes and Action Phases. When you roll initiative you determine when you go in the Combat Turn. When it's your turn, it's your action phase and you get to do stuff. If you have more passes, that means on your next pass you get an action phase, and again on the next pass and so on.
For example, let's say you have initiative score of 15 with 2 passes and another guy had 10 with 1 pass. On 15 of pass 1 you get your action phase to perform your actions, then on 10 of pass 1 the other guy gets his action phase. On the second pass at 15 you get another action phase to perform actions but at 10 the other guy does not since he only has one pass.
In essence on each pass that you have you get an action phase. So in this situation Bullet Sponge gets to shoot each of his revolvers once per pass, so that's 2 shots per pass. If he were using semi-auto pistols he could be shooting them the exact same way, or he could shoot them simultaneously (split dice pools) twice in a action phase for a total of 4 shots (recoil counts on the second shots).