My wife and I are living with Ruski at the moment, so we have access to his entire library of games and movies, as well as our own. I haven't been playing a lot of video games, because I try and skimp on them when I should be doing something important.
Last full game I played was Mass Effect 2. Afterward, I started another play-through of the first game, to see how decisions differed. I also wanted to set up for the third game, so there would be a way to see the good and bad endings.
My wife played through Red Dead Redemption, and that was pretty awesome (I played it, didn't finish it), and I've resolved to go back and beat Fallout 3 (and all the expansions), as well as Dragon Age (and all the expansions) before their sequels come out.
My wife just started Saboteur, which she put in the topless code for! I was so shocked!