Eric Dubois was born to a weathy Québécois family in Quebec, UCAS in 2041. He is the second of three children, an older brother (his father's favorite) and a younger sister (his mother's favorite). Being the middle child meant he received little attention from his parents and thus became a quiet and reserved individual, preferring to observe rather than becoming involved in situations. His French-Canadian parents became wealthy after the crash of 2029, having invested in commodities and certain tech companies.
After high school Eric went to an ivy-league university, majoring in Information Systems, and became distanced from his family. He became good friends with his dorm roommate James Ukhtomsky, who went on and on about his Russian royal heritage. When SURGE turned Jimmy into an Ork his parents disowned him. With no one else, Eric learned to look past the metahuman prejudices his parents had instilled in him to be the friend that Jimmy needed. This opened up a new world for Eric, where he decided that good friends are hard to come by, and after graduation he would find a place for himself in the world away from the control of his parents.
Eric's parents furthered their wealth with investments prior to the second crash, to which many political and social groups cried foul thinking the Dubois' had something to do with it or knew it was going to happen. The Dubois' always had the "holier-than-thou" attitude that many Québécois families adopted, so they never responded to the allegations and the groups quickly quieted down (for some odd reason). This reaffirmed Eric's determination, and after college he stopped communicating with his family completely.
After a few years in the corporate world he grew tired of corporate politics and bureaucracy so instead started working with technical consulting firms. He's worked in UCAS, CAS, NAN, and even CalFree. He's currently in Denver, having just finshed his last assignment.