Sylvester squinted through the slowly drifting dust created by the vaporisation of plascreet.
He had heard boosted reflexes described in a lot of different ways before his own introduction to the move-by-wire system.
The movies, naturally, got it all wrong. Slow motion? Yea right. More like you feel suddenly encased in jello pudding. The jumped up adrenaline levels making your small motor skills transform from their typical fine-precision levels into banging on rocks with a blunt instrument.
He heard it described best by an ex-navy-seal buddy of his. It’s like trying to play a piano with a sledge hammer. All the time in the world won’t make your actions any gentler.
The first razor boys and girls reflex-jobs attempt: was to try to do as many things as you can at once. Empty entire magazines in heartbeats, punch 10 different people in the face before the first person hits the floor, stuff like that.
Maybe their street doc’s were working out of old refrigerator boxes? Too busy to give them the run-down and let them come back for adjustment every week for six months like the delta clinic did for him?
Whatever the reason, what typically happens if you attempted to empty a 100-round drum in 3 seconds is the recoil typically makes sure the bullets numbered 3 through 100 don’t hit the same spot as each-other, let alone anything close to bullets 1 and 2.
And if you punch 10 guys all in a row, you are working so hard to get your hand to the next guy’s nose that you are pulling the punch before you’ve even connected with the guy in front of you. And… lightly slapping 10 guys has a totally different effect than knocking them all out like in the movies.
So: what most professionals recommended, right after recommending that you find a job that didn’t involve shooting at things that were trying to eat you, was instead of trying to do an impressive number of things in a totally ineffectual way, do one simple thing in a totally impressive way. The results are typically much better.
Like here.
Amped up reflexes, a dynamic situation with inbound hostiles, the gut reaction would be to fire off all of his four bolts all at the lead guy and think up something else once the body was hitting the floor, assuming that he got lucky enough to kill a raging Orc mid-rampage with a glorified-lucky-lawn-dart.
Or… he could use the extra perception time to think… maybe about useless history, but maybe about his current situation and to plan… plan and aim.
One good shot. No…
Focus on the Orc’s head. Resist the urge to send the fire command at the first opportunity.
Aim small. Don’t aim for his head. Aim for his eye. The iris of his blood-shot left eye. Aim small, miss small.
Line up the hard sights. Check the target. Wait for the blink. Check with the wired reflexes tied in with the smart-link. Smart-link confirms the firing solution. Still wait for the perfect moment, Last aim activate the infra-red sight. Slightly to the right, move it into the iris. Another blink. The Orc turns slightly, finding the origin of the annoyance? Locking-on, he sees you. maybe? Is the iris widening in recognition of a threat? That’s as big as the target is going to get. If he's looking past me, the silencer will make the normally quiet crossbow vacuum silent; but due to the recent hearing loss suffered by everyone in the store, it was probably wasted effort.
Between heartbeats and holding his breath Sylvester sends the mental command to fire and keeps his hands as steady as if they were formed from marble.
Initiative Pass 1: Seek cover, assemble crossbow.
Initiative Pass 2: Simple action: Aim. Simple Action: Aim.
Initiative Pass 3: Simple action: Aim. Simple Action: Fire, called-shot to the head.
Firearms: 4 Agility 7 +2 dice (Smartlink) +1 Dice-pool (Personilized grip) +3 dice (Aim) = 17 dice
Vital-area called shot -4 dice pool (+4 weapon damage) 17-4=13
Crossbow Bolt: Damage 2P (+4 to: 6 physical)
13d6.hits(5) → [6,3,4,2,6,1,3,6,3,5,2,2,4] = (4) Use edge to re-roll failures. (13-4=9)
9d6.hits(5) → [2,4,5,3,1,4,2,2,3] = (1) successes: 5
Damage: 6 physical, plus whatever he can’t dodge.