Sundance Weapons Specialist
Female elf, naturally black hair has been highlighted with pearl, pink, purple, blue, and green. A bit below average elf in height.
Body 3
Agility 4
Reaction 4
Strength 3
Charisma 4
Intuition 3
Logic 3
Willpower 3
Edge 3
Essence 6
Initiative 7 Initiative passes 1
Phys Dam track 10 Stun Dam Track 10
Active Skills Knowledge Skills (18 free bp)
Archery 2 Blade design 3
Armorer 5 Chemistry 2
Close Combat 3 Gun trivia 2
Demolitions 3 Engineering 4
Dodge 2 Firearm design 4
Firearms 4
Weapon trivia 2
Heavy Weapons 2
Negotiation 2
Throwing weapon 2
Guts (5 w/+2 fear & intimidation resists)
Lucky (20)
Magic resistant (5) +1d spell resistant)
Spirit bane (+10)
Weapons Specialist is a literal martial artist. A master of unarmed combat, she is equally skilled at building and repairing weapons and armor of all types. If it deals damage or prevents you from getting hurt, she can fix it, improve it, or make you a new one. She’s up on all the latest developments in the weapons industry, and odds are she knows somebody who can get hold of that hot new toy that’s not quite on the market yet. She’s a veritable walking arsenal, bristling with guns, knives, and a few more exotic things squirreled away in her many pockets, but even if somebody manages to catch her unarmed, she’s a wiz at improvising weapons from whatever happens to be around her—including her opponents.
*Note: Does not necessarily carry everything every where...
Novatech airware commlink; contacts w/image link & smart link; combat axe; 2 katanas; survival knife; stun baton; bow & quiver; cross bow & bolts; 10 each throwing knives/shurukin/frag grenades; 5 flash packs; Ares Predetor IV w/quick draw holster; Yamaha Sakura Fubuki smartlinked w/concealed holster; Aztech Strike w/frag rocket; Armorer facility w/armorers kit; Armor jacket