well.. hehe, i wont admit there are some perks.. But heres the full story before people start leaving their jobs...
Unless you have your own trailer, kiss privacy goodbye. You share a room with 3-4 other people, some might not even speak english, are heavy alcoholics, work vastly different hours then you, are drug users, or often forget which bed is theirs when they bring drunken girl back for mounting and simply fall in which ever beds closest. even if your already asleep on said bed. no seperaters, and the room is not that big.
And if you complain they try and make it look like your doing something wrong, and if you report the drug users to NPS the other employees treat you like a pariah and Xanterra will look for a chance to can you ASAP.
Your pay is as low as Xanterra can do it, as im going to utah im getting federal minium, so 7.50 an hour with 40 hour weeks, pay checks come bi-weekly, and each paycheck they take out 200 bucks so 400 bucks a month in rent (from each person in the room). And since your "low responsibility" your "Highly expendable" for the most part they wont fire you for alot of things (we had a guy kick in the doors in the dorm looking for his sister screaming at everybody. High off his ass on crystal meth. and he was simply "escorted from the property" ... the next morning. they drove him into town, gave him his check, and dropped him off at the grey hound. Others come into work drunk or high, slack off, or so forth with no repercussions and as the stable worker YOU have to pick up the slack.
And if by chance they choose to fire you, they will do it at moment notice, pull you to office, give you the papers, and tell yo you have 2 hours to pack and GTFO before they call NPS who are more then happy to kick your ass out and/or arrest you if they can. (alot of employees make bad impressions with them, so they kinda assume it on all employees)
And the seasonal work actually kind works towards killing most job applications as it leads people to believe you cant hold a job longer then that.
As a retirement plan...? *shrugs* I'd say go with zones idea and try applying to NPS, they love getting retired police/military people who just kinda want to relax and like the out doors. A high number of nerds (i actually ran a shadowrun game with them which was pretty awesome) and if not dealing with the xanterra employees (but should be ok if you made a good impression on them like i managed to some how) are pretty laid back and fun to hang with.
As for games.. Im looking to join a game.. I've tried to run several, but they.. just didnt work falling apart for one reason or another.. I've still got some ideas for Unhallowed (actually have a small forum up for it..
http://unhallowed.freeforums.org/index.php if curious, heh) and dark heresy and such, but wanna just kinda take some time and get it refined a little more, and actually get the chance to really play ya know..?