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Author Topic: Shadowrun Returns  (Read 18278 times)


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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2012, 06:56:07 PM »

At 1.75M, they're adding physads into the game! :O

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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2012, 10:59:57 PM »

and if they make it to 2million, they'll take them out again for game ballance... lol
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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2012, 01:25:09 AM »

If you read the comments on the page, most of the people there are talking about the console games.  I haven't read any comments relating to the RPG in any edition really.

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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2012, 10:38:11 AM »

No, they made it pretty clear fairly early on that they were supporting the storyline and feeling of Shadowrun more than any one actual ruleset, although they also said they'd be more 'inspired' by 2nd/3rd edition rules than the current 4th edition ones.

I'll be honest, I never played either one of the older Shadowrun video games. I bought the Xbox one to show solidarity, and my youngest brother got really really good at it (he does that), but it never amounted to much, because even though we had multiple computers and gaming consoles, I couldn't bring myself to shell out $75/per, and by the time the price came down, Windows had dropped the servers. I still have three or four copies, but they're scattered.

Anyway, I'm mostly excited for a Shadowrun game where I get to hire and run my own team, and make runs that other people can play. Also, I'm excited to make every run I plan a DOUBLE-CROSS! Seriously, it needs to happen more, and I'm going to have fun making multiple versions of the same run with different endings. Maybe just two versions, so people have to guess. :D

All the swag is cool, but I'm not worried about it.

  - kv

(Edit: Also, 1.639M)
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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2012, 11:02:31 AM »

deckers vs. hackers and drek/hoop vs actual profanity; the differences there are minute, you can get a good dystopian vibe going either way.
I'm interested to see if they use the wireless hacking world over the older fibreoptic standards used in 2nd and 3rd. (I actually really like the wireless world).
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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2012, 04:27:29 PM »

I've played both the Sega Genesis and SNES versions.  If you still haven't played them, you can easily download emulators on your PC then locate the ROM files to play the games.  It's kinda weird playing on a keyboard, but you could get a USB controller for around $15-20 if you really wanted.  Message me if you want more details, I got to play a bunch of games I never would have as a kid this way.  I even got to play fan ports of games never released in the US.  Technically it's illegal to have a ROM of a game when you don't own a physical copy of the game, but if they don't sell the game or console anymore would anyone really get bothered? 

The SNES one had a great story.  It totally gave the impression of a dystopian future, but didn't follow the game rules very much (though it did keep within the spirit of the game).  You're trying to figure out why the heck you woke up in a morgue, and why you can't remember anything.  As you play you figure out the keyword system, where you learn new keywords and you can go back to previous people and ask them about it.  I really liked this system, it draws you in more as you find out more.  The thing I really didn't like about it was how there were no archetypes, you play the same type of guy no matter what, and that you can max out cyber and magic on the same guy.  Like I said, not following the rules per say but in the spirit of SR.  Anyone playing the game but never playing the table top RPG wouldn't be the wiser anyway ;)

That being said I prefer the Sega one over the SNES one.  The matrix offered more immersion and the game followed SR2 more closely as far as rules and such went.  It had magic (which caused drain), customizable weapons, contacts, and Mr. Johnsons that gave you runs.  On top of that it had an underlying story that came out in the open as you progressed.  This will always hold a place in my heart, as it was the game that introduced me to SR.  One summer in the mid 90's me, my bro, and our friend played this game nonstop.  We played it every which way we could, using all 3 of the starting archetypes, and finding all the secrets and Easter eggs we could.  It got to a point we copied the character sheet and made up our own rules to play it like D&D.  It made no sense, but it was extremely fun.  Then one day I wander into EB (do you remember Electronics Boutique, which became EBGames, which then got bought by Game Stop?) and low and behold they had a book with "Shadowrun" on the cover.  I'm thinking "what the heck is this?  I want it!" so I bought it.  It was the SR2 rule book  ;D

Le sigh, memories  :D

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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2012, 10:45:20 PM »

heheh, the very first RPG book i bought was shadowrun.. had played some starwars (WEG edition) and dnd, but Shadowrun is the one that got me hooked.

It took forever to get a game going, but that first game was with Good Ole Capt, and rest is history.

If possible.. We SOOO need to get an actual "Pub" set up in this game for all the regulars here.
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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2012, 05:11:41 AM »

it looks to include a neverwinter knights -ish campaign editer.
so it should be possible to set up an ftp file host for pub inspired runs, to share with our fellow rpg nuts.
hell, we could even have a pub-crawl, where we link them together, or vote on our favorites.
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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2012, 11:11:02 AM »

For the sake of completeness, Shadowrun Returns finished it's Kickstarter run with $1,836,447

That doesn't include the $52,969 from Paypal, which puts the grand total at: $1,889,416.

They also had 36,276 backers, which I think is an impressive number. :D

I'll include more information here as I get it.

  - kv
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Ingo Monk

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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2012, 12:53:03 PM »

If they had secured funding the traditional way (if they even could find a company to put up the dough), then sold the title normally afterwards, 36,276 people at $50 per person would equal $1,813,800.... which is essentially almost the same amount?  Pretty interesting how that worked out, isn't it?  Makes you wonder about how some organizations/groups are selling products with the "pay what you feel is fair" mentality (I've seen a few music groups sell albums this way), with the above evidence it tends to make me think it'll work out the same.

Things that make you go "Hmmm.." :bob:

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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2012, 06:59:20 PM »

Speaking of things that make you go 'hmmm...' I was just perusing over at, the Shadowrun Universe thing they set up when it became apparent that there are a lot of nerds who love Shadowrun.

I registered there, and I was curious if anyone else had done the same. I don't want to draw people away from the Pub, but I did register my group as "Shadowrun Pubbers". If you enter that as your ' runner team' affiliation, it'll list all us Pubbers together.

Just a thought.

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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2012, 03:46:51 PM »

I'll have to go check it out sometime.
I did hear they were debating on what city to add.
What are the top 5 choices, anyone know?
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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2012, 09:02:02 PM »

Everyone is suggesting their hometown, or off-the-wall suggestions; people seem to be serious about a few choices:

Berlin (this one would be my choice)
...someplace in Brazil.
...someplace in South Africa.

I'm a fan of Germany, because it gives the international fans something to love, and it gets us out of the UCAS, and it gives us access to the Anarchist movement as well as Lowfyr's backyard. Dublin would be my second choice, followed by Chicago. I know Chicago is in the UCAS, but how could you pass up the chance to play in Bug City?

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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2012, 09:21:13 PM »

ohhhh.. germany! I like it!
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Re: Shadowrun Returns
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2012, 11:09:23 PM »

I second/third/fourth Germany!

Also, all I gotta say is that I'm glad the Pub is not running on Amazon's Web Service, their site is crawling and half crashing!

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