No, they made it pretty clear fairly early on that they were supporting the storyline and feeling of Shadowrun more than any one actual ruleset, although they also said they'd be more 'inspired' by 2nd/3rd edition rules than the current 4th edition ones.
I'll be honest, I never played either one of the older Shadowrun video games. I bought the Xbox one to show solidarity, and my youngest brother got really
really good at it (he does that), but it never amounted to much, because even though we had multiple computers and gaming consoles, I couldn't bring myself to shell out $75/per, and by the time the price came down, Windows had dropped the servers. I still have three or four copies, but they're scattered.
Anyway, I'm mostly excited for a Shadowrun game where I get to hire and run my own team, and make runs that other people can play. Also, I'm excited to make every run I plan a DOUBLE-CROSS! Seriously, it needs to happen more, and I'm going to have fun making multiple versions of the same run with different endings. Maybe just two versions, so people have to guess.

All the swag is cool, but I'm not worried about it.
- kv
Edit: Also, 1.639M)