This will be a post containing all the necessary information players and GM's will need to run a PBP game. I'll include links to apps and tools, and posting guidelines.
So, let's all put in our 2¥! What should be included?
Once we're all done I'll edit this post to have all the relevant information, delete all the replies, sticky and lock this post.
Here's some stuff to start us off. I'll eventually clean it up to a more presentable format.
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Character Gen:Chummer RollerInvisible Castle
Normal Rolls: Xd6.hits(5)
Rule of 6 Rolls: Xd6.hitsopen(5,6)
PostingUse regular text for descriptive or narrative information (character internal monologue included). When the character speaks, use the COLOR tags for speech. For example:
It was a rainy day, as usual. He hated the rain, it sucked the life out of him. [color=orange]"Damn rain..."[/color]
Ends up looking like this:
It was a rainy day, as usual. He hated the rain, it sucked the life out of him.
"Damn rain..."You can use BOLD or Italics tags to add emphasis as normal.
POSTING - Out of CharacterWhen posting out of character information, when asking questions or including stat rolls for example, it's best to use QUOTE tags. For example:
It was a rainy day, as usual. He hated the rain, it sucked the life out of him. [color=orange]"Damn rain..."[/color] He squints at the street light above him, being thoroughly annoyed by it. He aims his pistol and squeezes off a round, shooting out the light.
[quote author=OOC]
He shoots out the light!
Pistols 4 + Agility 4 = Pool 8
8d6.hits(5) → [4,1,4,2,5,4,4,4] = (1)
This ends up looking like this:
It was a rainy day, as usual. He hated the rain, it sucked the life out of him.
"Damn rain..." He squints at the street light above him, being thoroughly annoyed by it. He aims his pistol and squeezes off a round, shooting out the light.
He shoots out the light!
Pistols 4 + Agility 4 = Pool 8
8d6.hits(5) → [4,1,4,2,5,4,4,4] = (1)