Cyberpunk is enjoyable (johnny neumonic anyone?) and I'll probibly buy/support whatever dystopian future they are willing to sell me.
Shadowrun though, with the addition of the fantastic (magic, werewolves, and dragons) combined with the PC's playable as goodguys or badguys (even in the same group) outshines it.
That's what attracted me to shadowrun in the first place.
Ever try to run a DnD campaign with all villains?
Heck, it's tough to get it to work if your thief isn't robbinhood or some 'confused' kender-variant.
It was in second edition that the tagline appeared:
"We aren't good guys, we don't rob from the rich to give to the poor, we rob from the rich because the richer pay us to."
something about that resonated with me. it was like ... whoa! real life in a game? can such a thing be possible?!?!!
and despite the cool ghost in the shell mods, cyberpunk never really provided that for me.