Ichiro gets Jazzman's Telcom number and after letting you know to keep in touch, wanders off into the crowd.
The Files are indeed where he said they would be, an old FTP server you can hit with the login-name and passcode he provided. It's the largest assortment of illegal software you've ever seen. there are programs for writing worms, viruses, security over-ride, black-hammer for lethal feedback, as well as some stealth programs that you never really thought about, but will probily work great.
Consider yourself to have a copy of every program out there that you'll ever need, all at rating <3>
You've seen better for a couple of them, but the sheer amount of flexability offered by having every peace of software ever written at your fingertips will be invaluable. (or valuable to the tune of $2K, depending on how you want to look at it)