*sits up from his slouch*
Sure, man. Whatca got? I haven't heard anything good out of Sweetwater, GA since CAS took over!
*laughs* Seriously, what you got?
Well, i wouldn't be tellin' this to ja', sept youre a 'good ol' boy', and i know that you have a special place in your heart for bluegrass,... expecially for bluegrass from the 'blues brothers', not many people liked the mix of comedy and jazz, but you sure ate it up. there's a new band callen themselves the Blues Brothers reborn, and they can really cut a jam. ... oh yea, and i have a copy of their demo tape. hot off the presses, more vaulable than it's weight in beetle chips. so, anyways if you notice that the 'smoke' in my bar is a little greyer, and thinner than usual today, it's because my regular supply of synthweed has up and vanished... in a perverbial puff of smoke. so, i know that you are into the dark side of things, and i was wonderin' if you could take a look-see, and find out where he's gone off to. he's a good chummer by the name of Briggs. whaddya say? for the blues brothers?