it was a signal amplification unit for a remote VCR. so, you have your VCR installed in your head, this AMP in your arm (giving your drones extra range) and your controll deck in your meat hands... or whatever. the special thing about this arm is that the amp has ECCM built into it. (about $200,000.00 in the value department, with a street index of about 2.5 or so)
so it's just an AMP with ECCM.
but, it's still cool, and worth some cred.
and as far as wounds showing up on the body? i've never seen that (except for the ocasional full body bruse, or broken capalaries giving them a bloody nose, and the really rare dumpshock that results in broken capalaries in your eyes (crying blood is never a pretty sight)
-RuskiFace the Pirate