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Author Topic: 5th Edition: How do we feel?  (Read 3309 times)

Ingo Monk

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5th Edition: How do we feel?
« on: February 09, 2014, 11:14:51 PM »

So 5th has been out for a short while now, let's discuss the system they've developed.  I currently can't devote time to reading it so I haven't gotten a copy yet, but I plan on getting a physical and digital copy in the near future for a tentative campaign I want to start in the summer.

So the first thing I wanted to discuss is the return of the Priority System.  What do you all think?  Personally I really enjoyed the system from the previous editions, it meant you could make a character that was good at something but not good at a lot of things like the min/max characters coming out of 4th edition.

How about the return of deckers?  In my previous games we tended not to run any deckers at all, purely because you had to run their decking sessions separate from the main game.  This meant that the rest of my players would sit around being bored until the decker was finished.  Because of this, nobody in my group cared for decking because it detracted so much from the game for the rest of the group.

Any other thoughts?  What are the other big changes are in this edition that I'm missing?


"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill


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Re: 5th Edition: How do we feel?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 02:43:08 PM »

I love the priority system. I won't lie, my least favorite thing about 4th edition was all of the 'path of the burnout' cyberzombie physads who had all the cyberwear and magic powers to give them +35 dice in all negotiations; made me throw up in my mouth a little bit every time I saw or read it.

I like that being a Mage means you don't get that cool 1,000,000,000¥. I like that you can have a skilled character, a naturally superior physical character, but not both.

Another rule I love is limits. Love LOVE them. A reason to upgrade gear was desperately needed, and I love that there's a cap on what a physad can do with a street line special. No one should ever be able to take out a lone star tbird with a pistol while riding a motorcycle (true-ish story).

I'm currently reading through the rules too, so I'll let you know of anything I come across in my wanderings.

  - kv
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
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Ingo Monk

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Re: 5th Edition: How do we feel?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2014, 11:18:32 AM »

I just got a digital copy I'm going through as well.  Though I will admit even though I'm a nerd and digital should be the way to go, as a GM I've always preferred a physical book.  When I get more serious into GMing again I'll probably end up getting a hard cover and at least 1 soft cover.  While running SR3 back in the day my group ended up killing the binding on at least 2 SR3 soft covers through over use!

I've noticed Thresholds are back in force, which I prefer actually.  It's less math for the player with add/subtracting from the pool, and I can just have them tell me how many hits they got and describe to them their success or failure.  I like to keep things secret ;)

The pools look to be pulled from SR4, and I do agree the limits are a boon!  My friend once ran a game with new guys so I made a munchkin dual-pistol face to be the team leader and combat support in case things went bad.  I was rolling something like 20-30 dice when dual wielding pistols.  In theory it was cool, it practical application it upset me to see how broken the system can be.

Interesting stuff!  I'm pretty excited to be reading into SR again!


"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
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