Okay, well, upon Apoc's advice (it's alwies a good idea to listen to dragons) i think this will be a thread deticated to the stupid things we've done as runners, and how it went from there.
Like the time myself (as a rigger) decided to fly a T-Bird. the T-Bird was carrying an exec J who was trying to kill us. she was one heckuva *BLEEP*, and we were expecting it, but we weren't expecting the T-Bird. in preperation for her arrival, we broke into her house, and opend up all the gas lines and were waiting inside the house (with quite the headaches) so that we had something to blow up as a distraction later. turns out we distracted them sooner (rather than later) when they landed their corperate T-Bird, guns drawn, and we went out to greet them. aparently some static electricity was built up when we closed the door behind us, and the house exploded, killing the girl, knocking over the T-Bird, and frying us in the process, now through the carefull burning of some karma we lived, but the lone-star was on it's way, as were some ground based corperate supporters, so, haveing nothing better to do, we climed into the dammaged T-Bird, and mannaged to fly it for about five blocks before it crashed again, then we had to steal a car, and drive someplace for docwagon to come pick us up. (but at least we didn't need the assault pickup fees added on there)
-RuskiFace the Pirate