Well, you'd think so, but you'd be wrong. here's some of the OTHER stuff the runners did while waiting for the run to take place.
Speedey and Jen got into a race (speedey with his harley, and bike of 4, Jen with her westwind and drive of 2)
they raced on green, and bouth crashed into a bus that was still in the intersection. (a nice $5K spent on repairs to the westwind so we could still use it in the run)
Speedy and Jack are practicing the drive, when a sleak rice boy trys to race them, pulling allong side and revving it's enginge.
Speedy climbs out the passanger window, while sitting on the window seal, and unloads a clip of anti-vehicle ammo into the car next to them at 120 KMPH. the rice boy crashes into his car before going over the side of the mountian in a huge fireball.
(seatle tranist closes down the road for two days while they investagate the accident and rebuild the guard rails in that section.)
Speedy, Jack, Jen, and Claric go to a stuffer shack, and when a group of thugs show up, they immediatly waste them, Speedy running through, grabbing the shotgun out of the hands of the first assailiant, and emptying it while running through them to the door, and escapeing into the night, leaveing his comrads to fend for themselves, Jack spent the entire combat diveing for cover, Jen decided to use her best skill (moveing arround on her knees) and crawled over to the exit, and Claric decided to pick off the stragglers while shopping for sunglasses. only speedy was outside when the cleark hit the 'nero-stun-release' button, and the others barely made it out.
so, that compleates the setup portion of this run, and oh yes... it gets better!