Yeah, it wasn't so much a problem with that as it was the feeling that as runs got harder, we were helping him less.
First Run: We all make a valiant effort to make it out alive, almost everyone in the group bites it, except for him.
Second Run: We all make a valiant effort for everyone to make it out alive, and everyone but him in the group bites it.
Third Run: (the one where I came into the group) We were all making a valiant effort to make it out alive, some anti-runners show up, and we book- on the way out, he drops white phospherous grenades behind him to cover is escape. Did I mention that his fellow runners were also behind him in that escape attempt? My character was knocked unconscious(either by the grenade or by the firefight that ensued when we were trapped in the elevator) and eventually the other character grabbed my unconscious guy, climbed through the flames anyway, and got both of us out. We got onto the roof, we got back to my car, and then drove until a t-bird caught up with us, which shot the car full of holes. I was unconscious in the back seat, but still alive, and then he crashed the car, and made his way through the back of a diner to escape. He came back while the t-bird was searching for him to drop another phosphorous grenade into the car (that I was still alive and in) to erase any evidence of him being there.
Fourth Run: Everyone in the group except him is playing brand new characters (all of us having been killed off previously) He doesn't trust any of us, but he's useful because he has a bunch of guns and supplies to help the group. We get into the actual run, and things go well, and then at the drop off, he refuses to go in to meet Mr. Johnson to pick up the payment. He waits in the car, watching Mr. J's car from inside the rigger's ride, and sends my character (the 16 year old decker) in to negotiate. When J tries to double cross us, his character shoots out the back window of the riggers' ride to riddle the empty limo with holes, and then runs away. My decker has to grab a suitcase and get back out, and still manages to live. Kid_Vid officially retires, only to show up as a contact, NPC, and story development. This guy still demands his cut.
And so on and so forth. Only each time, less and less of his teammates lived, until the point where none of us wanted our characters to run with him, because it always ended up that he used us as meat shields, and got away scot free.