Well, in my opinion there's no humility about it. I have an awfull lot of skill when it comes to computers. I can recover things that other trained profesionals would throw up their hands in disguested defeat at. There are probibly lots of people that are better at working with computers than me, but I don't know any of thoes people, and I know a lot of people. But, inorder to do Dave's job, i'd have to fire and disipline people. i'd have to fill out paperwork all day long. i'd have to quantify everything I did, I would have to be super nice to total jerk customers, I'd have to deal with every assanine thing that any two employees could think up to fight about, I'd have to put in time at work without getting paid for it, I'd have to give up my hour lunch (in favor of eating a granola bar while answering phone calls) I would have to give raises to worthless employees just because they whine so much that it's the only way to get them to work, while letting the true tallent dwindle at minimum wage just because they didn't complaine enough. (an anti-social reward as it were)... and for all of that trouble, I actually wouldn't make that much more money than I do now. so, as far as working 500% more for only a 15% increase in salary,... He does a much better job of it than I ever would. and there are some parts of his job that i could do easily, the parts of his job that are redundant with mine, finding technical information, telling customers what the solution to their problems could be, researching new vendors, troubleshooting new heavy machinery in the warehouse, but the places where we differ, is where most of the work takes place.
-RuskiFace the Pirate