In an effort to bring you only the highest-quality Fallout moments, I loaded up a Fallout 2 savegame of mine (one on which I had beaten the game already) and headed to New Reno to hear the special joke that the comedian tells only after you have won the game.
We (The Chosen One, Sulik the Tribal, Marcus the Super Mutant, Skynet the Brain Bot, Cassidy the Desert Ranger, and Vic the Fat, Cowardly Dumbass) set out from the middle of the wasteland in the Higheayman, headed for New Reno.
Alas, along the way we were waylaid by eight "Claim Jumpers". I told them we didn't have any claim to jump, but they wouldn't listen and attacked anyway. Keep in mind that we have here four humans wearing Power Armor, a scary Super Mutant, and a crazy-looking robot. They were wearing leather jackets. This is equivalent to attacking a grizzly bear with a Nerf (TM) bat.
Anyway, Marcus mowed down four, I toasted three, and Brain Bot and Cassidy took out one each. Vic ran away like a fat coward and got no kills, and Sulik also got no kills. "Wait, that adds up to nine kills! I thought there were eight claim jumpers!" you might say. Well, unfortunately, Marcus also managed to mow Sulik down with the Bozar. Alas, poor Sulik, I knew thee not well.
After peeing on Sulik and taking all his porn, we set off again, and drove into New Reno in style. We walked into the Desperado to pay a visit to the comedian -- who, incidentally, is the only person left alive in that place. Some asshole player character came in and slaughtered everyone else.
Here is the joke:
"Heh-heh. You heard about the tribal who defeated the Enclave?"
"He was so stupid, he uhh... blew up the oil rig."
"Did I mention he was stupid?"
Said tribal (me, the Chosen One) then walked right up to ol' Comedian Bob and filled him full of Acme Grade-A 4.7mm Caseless. NO ONE talks about Pimp-Boy like that.
A job well done! Exit Game.