OKay, once again from the Frank Miller fanboy. (me)
As far as gratitous violence and sexual imagery and suggestion go, it's about 40 stories over the top. Hell, one of the villans gets his penis removed- twice.
But when it comes to strong women, pulp-noir gritty feel, awesome visuals and just... an incredible sense of style, this movie is top-notch. I don't expect it to win any awards, but I loved watching it.
(even though violence and overly-sexual movies usually aren't my
Personally, I identified with Marc, Dwight, and Hartigan at different parts of the movie- these are guys doing the best with what they're given- a rough life, a few past bad decisions, and they go out and do the right thing- avenging those they love, defending those who need it, and bringing down the greatest threats to those who we feel responsible.
Honestly, even though I had a friend compare me to Marv, I identified the most with Dwight. Especially when I went back over the comic books, and found out that Dwight had his life ruined by a woman. :/
"Sex makes you stupid, Dwight."
All in all, for style, story, and outright ballsy-ness, I give this film five out of five bobs.