Really, what I want to know is this:
you have your home made Nicotine toxin, that works in 15 minutes, courtisy of the guard you are planning on ganking.
How, in the name of all that is holy, are you going to take your tin cup of sludge, and inject that into the guards schlong, inorder to escape the prison, and not get caught?
"Escuse me, man, can I bum a smoke off of you?"
"Sure, you are a dead man anyways, I'll see that as your 'last request."
{taking the cig, you quickly use your chemestry four skill to extrude the nicotine from the tabaco, using nothing but toilet water and your jocky strap. }
GM: Okay, you have the toxic sludge in the bottom of a tin cup do you:
A: try to sneek it into the guard's food (why would he put his food by your cell? and why wouldn't he notice it tasted like ass?)
B: Talk him into putting it under his toung 'just for fun'
"I double-dog-dare YOU!"
C: Inject it into his Penis, so no one can figure out how he died.
"Heay man, instead of the cigurette being my last request, could I give you a BJ instead? oh! and bring that big ol' hyperdermic needle, we'll need that too!"
in all reality, if you have THAT sort of access to a person, there are any number of ways to kill them and make it look like you didn't do it.
-RuskiFace the Pirate