I've been working on several gaming projects lately, not the least of which include Fallout HERO, another post-apocalyptic campaign of my own design, and slowly, slowly reading the rules for Shadowrun.
Now, recently, I've decided I want to create my own "Dark Future" campaign setting. The plotline and the backstory are still way out in limbo, and I'm looking for inspiration for them. One of the first things I want to work on, though, is designing a large, comprehensive, flexible, and interesting weapons set. It's still in the concept phase, of course, which is the best time to get input from fellow gamers; as veterans of Shadowrun, I would truly value any input Pub members are able to offer concerning this endeavor.
I face several challenges in approaching this project:
-- I want to create categories of slugthrowing (ballistic) firearms which operate in a futuristic fashion, yet are not based solely on "rubber science", nor on modern conventions of how slugthrowers should work, nor on concepts which are already cliches in the SF genre. Something all-new, in other words.
-- I want to create energy weapons which are based, however loosely, on physics as we know them today. For example, Star Wars blasters shoot laser bolts that sound like "PPPEEWW!! PEEEWW!!" What would be the most feasible types of energy weapons in the future, what would they look like, and how would they work, realistically speaking?
-- Aside from traditional (fictional or real) physical and energy weapons, what other sorts of weapons might develop in the "Dark Future"? How would they be used to attack an opponent? How would you hold them? What would they look like?
I'll be posting my own ideas to this thread, and I strongly encourage you to help me out when and if you can. If this "Dark Future" project pans out, I can (and will) publish it to a PDF; any contributions from Pub members, or anyone else, will be prominently noted in said tome. Fallout HERO is one thing, but I'm copying someone else's work there... I want to go out on a limb and see what I can do on my own, with the help of friends, of course.
I'm truly passionate about game design and all the aspects that go along with it. There's a lot of crap out there today, and if I can create something that's fun, innovative, immersive, and unique, it would really make me happy.
But I cannot do it alone. Ruski, you often have time at work to think and type and plan and imagine... if you're interested in collaborating in designing a game, we can do a lot with our spare time. That goes for anyone else, as well.