Pony Express leans forward with his hands on the table at the menton of a van.
"A van? A VAN?? like the slow kind that uses four wheels and an electric motor? so, we are going to drive for fifteen hours, through three countries, with a van, full of miscreants and illegal gear: and included in or holiday vacation spots will be; 'NAN', with chokepoints and astral mojo every hundred miles, and into the UCAS, with the tightest border security on the planet, while packing enough gear for an entire team to pull a run, all of which is illegal in diffrent ways in each of the diffrent countries we are going through. not to menton that probibly not everyone here is on the best of terms with our border buddies... thoes of us without a SIN would have trouble sneaking into one of thoes countrys, let alone driving a VAN through bouth of them!"
Pony paused to draw a breath after that long winded rant. Weezer again used his pre-determined pause before responding, but he was cut-off by round two of the rantage spilling from Pony Express.
"Now, if transportation is 'provided' are identities provided as well? or are we left to our own devices to produce a 'SIN' that can hold up to border security scrutiny? what sort of gear can we bring with us? it's hard to explain why we'd need to drive acrost the DESERT with enough guns and gear to overthrow a small goverment. "
Weezer smiled at this. his nicotene stained teeth were rather rat-like in an ominious 'devil rat that just decided to eat you' sort of way.
"Student Visas', and sins for everyone. you are going back to school. and unlike the school you all ditched growing up, this one will not require you to be packing hardware. "
Weezer's cracking voice brought a stupified sort of silence to the croud.
"There is a shadowbox, measuring 4' by 2', by 6" that you can store whatever gear you feel you should need; for the run. use the space wisely, and try to stay away from overly metalic weapons, and explosives, as it's not proof aghinst MAD detection, or chem-sniffers; if you pick up some unwanted attention; it's not going to hold up very well. this is a requirement of the run. our 'sponcer' dosn't want you accidentily drawing attention to yourselves on the way over, or once you are there. this is to be 'quiet', or not at all."
Pony Express looked thoughtfull for a moment. "Okay. I'm in. But I'm going to need another 2K. we are going to burn through 1k just putting gas and stuffers into us on this road trip. 2K total isn't enough. 4K each should cover it."
"I can get you an extra 500 on compleation."
"1500 extra, all up front."
"750 over, half now, half upon compleation."
"1750 now, 1250 on compleation. and I'm not interested if you keep low-balling me."
"Fine. but you have to shave and cut your hair. this is a nice school I have Ident chips for, and you need to fit the profile."
"I can do that, but you gotta pay for the haircut; and I get to choose the stylist."
"Okay, but I'm not paying more than 50Y for a haircut."
"Done. Let me see the ID's."