As a side note: I love painting miniatures, and the first time I tried it, I discovered I was a natural. I got the shadows, the details, the highlights, and the overall color scheme just perfect on my first piece, which I still remember -- it was an evil cleric in a grim reaper robe with a scythe.
I can't do Warhammer, though. I'd love to, but it's just too much to handle with the fairly high prices and the long painting times... and the terrain can really take quite a while to prepare. I find I get a better payoff playing excellent boxed strategy games such as Memoir '44 or Hybrid[/b]. Still, I use minis for traditional RPGs, and I love those large foam terrain hexes that some GW games use (you cut out 2"W x 1"H or so foam hexes, primer them, put a bit {or a lot} of model terrain on the top, insert a magnet to hold the miniatures during play, and repeat a dozen or so times for a rockin' , 3-D, professional-looking game board you can put together on the fly).