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Author Topic: Women's ONLY, Say what? (It's okay men, you can read this.)  (Read 4055 times)

Buddha Smoker

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Women's ONLY, Say what? (It's okay men, you can read this.)
« on: October 28, 2005, 03:33:53 AM »

Japanese word of the day:
Chikan (means: Molestation)

You know, I wasn't really sure where I should start this story mainly because I can take it in so many different directions.

I'm all for equality and that jazz but I think that sometimes society gets to be to...for lack of words....DAMN STRANGE.

First, I guess I should explain what is happening. The best way is to reference this section of an article. I want to point out the last sentence especially which will be marked in bold and underlined. I don't remember getting or participating in molestation the last time I was drinking green tea and messing with my digital camera....guess, I live in a box. ;D

It is a well known fact that trains can be extremely crowded in Tokyo during rush hours. Usually, everyone mind their own business as much as possible, by reading a manga magazine or sending email on their mobile phone. Some men however prefer to take the opportunity to touch the lady next to them, who will usually not say anything because of the way the male-dominated Japanese society still operate. “Molestation” is called “Chikan” in Japanese, and it is a part of the everyday routine here, somewhere between green tea and digital cameras.

I think that it's messed up that the world is getting this bad. I mean why does this have to happen. I think the biggest part that gets under my skin is that I want a men's only train car. We, MEN, like to get together and burp, pass gas, and basically be obscene in front of each other. I think that I would be more scared to go into the men's only car but it's the thought and if you are going to treat everybody equal then I guess it's time to HIT THE SHOWERS.

However, I couldn't help but laugh after reading this section from another article below. The link for the full article is below the section. I guess there's a way around the system. There's always a loophole. I wonder if I could get away with it on Halloween or something not that I have the feeling to dress as a women. After all, I get rashes from pantyhose.....don't ask! ;)

"Of course lesbians are welcome to ride (in women's only carriages)," an authority spokesman tells Weekly Playboy. "In cases where men try to ride in the carriages, we are getting station attendants to convince them to cooperate with the policy. However, if a man insists that he is a woman, a transsexual or suffering from a gender disorder, we will allow them to ride in the restricted entry carriages."

Lesbians, meanwhile, have generally welcomed the women's only carriages as much as the vast majority of women who have elected to use them, if not always for the same reasons.

"A packed carriage with only women inside is like a dream come true," Ken, a butch lesbian, tells the men's weekly. "I thought that with every rock of the carriage, it would allow me and my partner to kiss and mash our boobs. But actually, the carriages are so damned quiet, it's like a morgue inside them."

I think the point is to beware of Ken and here I was thinking that was only a guy's name. Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids. (Great cereal by the way). Also, I know everybody noticed the next to last sentence...I can see the gears smoking in every guy's mind now. Oh brother. :P

So, I guess to close would be to show the proof of this at my very own train station. Here is the picture on the ground marking the start of women's only territory. I guess that we should expect women only countries next. There's going evolution.

Please people, there is no reason to send me hate mail even though I don't mind it but if this article offends anyone then they need to go somewhere else.

Peace Out, Minna-san (means: Everybody)

Buddha S.

Ingo Monk

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Re:Women's ONLY, Say what? (It's okay men, you can read this.)
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2006, 01:51:18 PM »

(bump so this doesn't get deleted)

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
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