as the only one to survive the blaze, you frighten them terribly; and they run in fear, if they had tails; they'd be between their legs. they leave the hovercraft for you, in hopes that it apeases your godlike powers.
one of them tosses you the keys and runs away, stopping only to polish the hood a little bit before continuing on his merry way.
as you climb into your awsome hovercraft, you Idly wonder how they knew that cherry-blossum-pineapple was your favorite car scent? perhaps they just got lucky.
a block later, it stops raining and you put down the convertable top. the sun comes out, and the smog blows away... this could be a good day after all!
in yet another block you see a broken down streach limo / eurocar westwind. pouting by the side are your favorite sim-stars! 'The twins'! hitch-hiking in this part of town is dangerous. you decide you should give them a lift.
they offer to give you a part in their next sim if you can get them to their destination in less than five hours. it's down the street, and all the lights are green.