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Author Topic: Explosives  (Read 25766 times)


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« Reply #180 on: March 02, 2006, 02:32:36 PM »

Hmmm... well, perhaps it's launched from a missle silo in russia.

no one there would care if they nuke seattle.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #181 on: March 02, 2006, 02:36:42 PM »

LoL!  Or from India or Pakistan?


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« Reply #182 on: March 02, 2006, 02:38:34 PM »

china? there are lots of people who would nuke someone else for a daily paycheck.

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« Reply #183 on: March 02, 2006, 02:56:23 PM »

Especially for a $1,000,000 a year paycheck.

Hell, I would almost nuke Seattle for that. And I have two cousins living there!

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« Reply #184 on: March 02, 2006, 03:07:38 PM »

Hmm... yea.

of course, the company would probibly keep most of that.

but for $100,000 / year, you'd sit in a box, and then, perhaps someday, nuke some people you don't know, and probibly don't like.

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« Reply #185 on: March 02, 2006, 03:27:12 PM »

hmmm... a nuke might not be the best cost ratio... considering that something like 60% of shadowrunners live in Seattle as some point during thier lives. And megacorps probably aren't going to let thier employees have this sort of insurance.

That means that for every runner you nuke, you have a chance of eliminating other subscribers.
Which would be a bad thing, especially if they're paying you A cool 1 million a year.

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« Reply #186 on: March 02, 2006, 03:28:29 PM »

well, if you knock them out too, you can get a bulk rate on the nukes.

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« Reply #187 on: March 02, 2006, 10:16:59 PM »

Well, if you nuke the city, sure you fufill one contract, but if you kill your own subscribers, won't you have to nuke yourself, to keep your end of the deal?

Perhaps a better choice would be suborbital laser arrays, using GPS or local source Identification such as "painting lasers". Maybe it would be harder to find, and kill the guy, but if they know you are there, I gaurantee that they won't leave their building until they starve.

That should be a common sight in 2060-2070. A man walks out of his apartment, a pinpoint pulse of red flashes down, he collapses as his melted brain leaks out of the perfectly circular hole in his scalp. That aught to put the fear of God (or other higher powers) back into your runners.

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« Reply #188 on: March 03, 2006, 01:31:46 AM »

if you are paying a million dollars a year to take out whomever with you when you bite the big one... would you really care about dropping a nuke in the middle of the city? not like you are going to be living here...

You  might not, but trust me, no corp is going to want to be known for dropping nukes at the drop of a hat, even if said hat is on the head of a contractee. Basically, let's imagine our contractee (with a nuke contract) bites it while inside some Ares complex in Seattle.
Deathwagon goes in, and drops a small nuke, maybe... 17 kT or so.
This destroys everything in say... 1.5 miles radius (probably more, but I'm assuming fairly hardened non-military targets), in particular including said Ares complex. So what? Well, for one thing, Ares will be mightly pissed. And they'll want their money back, somehow. Now, even if DeathWagon somehow could avoid being legally responsible for the damages, Ares is big, mean and international enough to go after Deathwagon. Chance are that most of the other 'Big Ten' would've lost substantial valuables too, and wouldn't hinder Ares, maybe even aid them.

Then ofcourse there are the secondary targets, some... 17,000 of them in the initial blast, and upwards of a million if we include radiation based deaths. And extra territoriality gets iffy in murder cases. Indeed, ye olde Us went to war for far less.

Losing the money from other contractees in the blast would not be the greatest of your worries either. Contracts would bind you to nuke the area of their deaths too. Soon, you'd have scorched the entirety of Seattle off the map, along with most of your costumer sources.

Oh, and mind you, you might be able to buy a functional nuke for 1 mio nuyen (though I doubt it, seller's market), but that wouldn't include any ICBMs, trust me on that.
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« Reply #189 on: March 03, 2006, 06:09:37 AM »

Well how about this? Your Deathwagon packages wouldn't neccessarily be about how big of a hole you can make, but how well you could actually kill the target. You don't need to nuke anything, especially if you aren't trying to send a message. When the Mob blows up a block of businesses, the message is clear: don't frag witht he Mob. When Deathwagon nukes a sprawl, the message gets a bit lost. After all, who's going to know who is a DW subscriber anyway?

So you do something like this:

Basic Services - ¥50,000 a year gets you (1) 4 man hit team. The team includes 1 mage and 1 decker if need. The team will make a total of 3 attempts to kill your killer.

Gold Service - ¥200,000 a year gets you (1) 6 man hit team. The team includes 1 mage and 1 decker. You also have the option for 1 extra mage, or 1 combat rigger. The team will make a total of 5 attempts to kill your killer.

Platinum Service - ¥500,000 a year gets you (1) 8 man hit team. The team includes 2 mages of minimum Initiation Level 2, 1 Decker with SK support. You also have the option for 1 combat rigger. The team will make a total of 6 attempt to kill your killer and 1 attempt to destroy his livleyhood (i.e. ruining his business, reputation, connections, etc.)

Super Platinum Service - ¥1,000,000 a year gets you (2) 6 man hit teams. Each team includes 1 mage of minimum Initiation Level 3 and 1 decker with SK support. One of the team includes a cyberzombie. The teams will make as many attempts to kill your target as is neccessary to do so. This contract is requires a minimum of 2 years of activation before the unlimited attepts clause kicks in, otherwise, the kill teams iwll make a total of 10 attepts to kill you rkiller and 3 attpemts to destroy his livelyhood before his death.

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« Reply #190 on: March 03, 2006, 07:36:07 AM »

I like that system! Great work! Moreso, it gives PC's a possible job opportunity, if the standard johnson's have nothing in the works.

Accomplished and reknown Shadowrunners would probably come highly recommended, much in the way that well-to-do mercs can get enlisted into the corps armies without much difficulty. . . and vice-versa.

Although current employees would probably have to be exempt from having a contract for themselves. . . Isn't that how DocWagon works?

Although, anyone who kills a DW employee in the line of duty is probably the main target anyway. . .
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 07:38:11 AM by Curris »
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« Reply #191 on: March 03, 2006, 08:12:39 AM »

their logo could be docwagon's red cross, but with a black skull in the middle of it.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #192 on: March 03, 2006, 08:13:13 AM »

Good point. Of course, this is TOTALLY illegal in ALL respects. So seeking compensation for business related deaths would be a bit... interesting.

PC: See, your' honor, it's like this. Me and Tusker and Mad Sammy were going in hot to geek this cobber who iced Jack66, when Tusker took a round to the head. That damn Jack66 iced my chummer! So I opened up on him and scragged the fragger real good. But see, Tusker had a wife and a kid, and what are they gonna do for money now that Tusker's ghouls food??

GM (Judge): So let me get this straight, Mr. Boudreaux. You and these two other men broke into the residence of one Jackson Milton with the express purpose of commiting murder. In the process of killing this man, one of your companions, one Charles Montegue, was killed when Mr. Milton shot him in the head. At which time, you killed Mr. Jackson. And now you are seeking compensation from Mr. Jackson's estate?

PC: Um.....

GM (Judge): Balif, please escort Mr. Boudreaux to a holding cell.

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« Reply #193 on: March 03, 2006, 08:15:25 AM »

Yea, but sense when have shadowrunner's actions had to hold up in a court of law?

-RUskiFace teh Pirate

it would be like the work we do now... but with full dental insurance.
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« Reply #194 on: March 03, 2006, 08:17:12 AM »

True, but I'm just thinking about how an employee couldn't have a contract. Why not? They would all be a bunch of killers anyway, so why not have that as a perk?? This assumes of course that the target was not the one responsible for the employee's death.

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