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Author Topic: Nanotech  (Read 25555 times)


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« Reply #180 on: February 21, 2006, 11:20:59 AM »

:) You could cause a lot of trouble with that...


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« Reply #181 on: February 21, 2006, 11:49:27 AM »

Yea... I don't know if it would have to 'come together' like the mightymorfinpower rangers though when it was 'active' or if it could just stay 'in solution' in your body.

could do lots of cool stuff with it though.

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« Reply #182 on: February 21, 2006, 12:09:19 PM »

I would think that the nanites would have to congregate in the brain and along the brain stem. Other than that, you're right about it looking like anything else on the scanner. Of course, just HAVING nanites may well get you hoop scanned much more thoroughly than just having "normal" cyberware.

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« Reply #183 on: February 21, 2006, 12:17:37 PM »

that's assuming that they are doing bloodwork to scan you, and not just using a MAD system, or some sorta walk-by X-Ray thingie.

-RuskiFace the Pirate

there are diffrent ways to get past the bloodwork.

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« Reply #184 on: February 21, 2006, 01:22:03 PM »

Maybe the nanocytes would also leave a 'pocket' of uninfected blood at the site of blood draws.


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« Reply #185 on: February 21, 2006, 01:35:18 PM »

yea, you could program them to 'stay out of' a certan area.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #186 on: February 21, 2006, 01:38:05 PM »

Could you program to produce bloodcells with somebody else's DNA?  Or is that too complicated?


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« Reply #187 on: February 21, 2006, 01:51:59 PM »

I don't think you could do either, actually, at least if you have free-floating nanites. It's not like they have little propellers on them. They go where the blood pumps, and if I'm a security guard, I'm going to draw blood in a different area each time. Frag the crook of the  arm, I'll draw it from behin the knee, or the inside of the wrist. Kind of avoids complications.

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« Reply #188 on: February 21, 2006, 01:53:10 PM »

hmm... you could upload the DNA of someone else; but having it produced on a massive scale would be very difficult, and require a lot of headware memory.

you could probibly create, in a lab, a sample... but there would be easyer ways of doing that than with nanotech...
(like just good old geane thearapy, or get the sample to docwagon, and let them grow a clone for parts)

An interesting idea for nanotech was brain etchers though.
you could copy someone's brain pattern based on connection and path routes, and upload it into a clone.

so, you could dub your entire brain into a clone of someone else... but there would be two of you walking arround afterwards... unless you feel good about killing yourself.
(and if you do... the dub would have the same ideas)

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #189 on: February 21, 2006, 02:02:32 PM »

So, how would you tell the clone from the original?


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« Reply #190 on: February 21, 2006, 02:42:48 PM »

According to Shadowrun canon, clones in the Sixth world don't "work" they are lifeless and stupid, lacking a "soul" or somesuch. That doesn't stop cloning from occuring however, since most grown organs are actually slabs of whole people with the needed parts removed and the rest sold as type-O or secondhand.

Most nanotech systems that would actually work as functionable cyberware would require nanotech that can reproduce without the needed hive functionality. However, since the heat generated by nanite production is inconceivable for a free-floating system there is a rub. Until that hurdle is overcome, you won't see self-maintaining FF nanites anytime soon.

The scariest thing is the simplistic nature of nanites on a basic scale, they are considered relatively simple in terms of actual composition, making them easy to affect with magic, and yet, their minute size makes them doubly difficult to actually target with magic. Imagine nanites that could replicate themselves inside the bloodstream via a Quickened Control Temperature (Self) spell.

How can they replicate, you ask, since magic cannot reproduce itself and a quickened spell will only affect the single nanite? Blood Magic. A sustained use of blood magic through a blood-fueled "queen" nanite colony that reproduces nanites at a phenomenal rate through magical means.

Imagine a nanite made of orichalcum that is host to an Ally Spirit as a homunculus. That's even scarier, as it has the ability to create many drone nanites through the use of spells and can direct the drone colony through the same means.
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« Reply #191 on: February 21, 2006, 02:58:08 PM »

well, as far as 'clones' go... they would be like having a twin.
only much younger.
unless it's growth accelerated, and gets a memory dump.
then it's just like you.

but be prepared to fight yourself for your favorite sofa.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #192 on: February 21, 2006, 04:31:21 PM »

Well, it would be a mental copy of you up until that point- the second the procedure begins, you would have different circumstances, different experiences, and even though you would react in similar ways, very quickly you would become two different people.

Especially if you were to implant your memories onto a child- that child would have to re-learn to use its limbs, go through school again, and re-adjust to life in a new body.

Even if it was your brain (through some sort of brain transplant), you would have to adjust to life inside this new body.

I wrote a short story once about a guy, a rich and famous, powerful guy, who woke up and found out he had been kidnapped- only to later in the story to see himself on TV, and find out that he's a clone kept in case something happens.

That sort of thing sounds like a distinct possibility in the world of Shadowrun. You seriously think Dankwalther didn't have any backup plans? He had the money- there could be a dozen clones of him still around, trying to ruin what's left of Novatech!

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« Reply #193 on: February 21, 2006, 04:45:33 PM »

Yup. it would be expencive, and probibly illegal in many diffrent ways, but who knows... it would probibly be easyer for corperations to just clone a couple of star employees minds, copy them over to 'perfect' bodies (elf perhaps? for a long life) and let them be model employees forever.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #194 on: February 21, 2006, 08:08:55 PM »

maybe even program in some other mean things to make sure they dont feel the need to defect, kinda like in that one movie with the governator.. gets cloned and all. corperation puts viruses in the people they clone so they dont get ideas of jumping ship.
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