Well, it would be a mental copy of you up until that point- the second the procedure begins, you would have different circumstances, different experiences, and even though you would react in similar ways, very quickly you would become two different people.
Especially if you were to implant your memories onto a child- that child would have to re-learn to use its limbs, go through school again, and re-adjust to life in a new body.
Even if it was your brain (through some sort of brain transplant), you would have to adjust to life inside this new body.
I wrote a short story once about a guy, a rich and famous, powerful guy, who woke up and found out he had been kidnapped- only to later in the story to see himself on TV, and find out that he's a clone kept in case something happens.
That sort of thing sounds like a distinct possibility in the world of Shadowrun. You seriously think Dankwalther didn't have any backup plans? He had the money- there could be a dozen clones of him still around, trying to ruin what's left of Novatech!