After you select the look of your character, your icon shimmers, changing into the character you have created. You skip over the fighting style options, choosing instead to use your own style of fighting.
You apprach the old man again, this time as a slim but muscular blond, hair cut short. The tattoos on your back, added with a grin, are barely visible from your character's viewpoint.
Almost out of habit, you crack your neck and arms as you prepare for a fight, and then catch yourself with a half-laugh. The old man, who has moved to the edge of the ring, brushes some wooden wind chimes, and bows low once he has your attention.
"You have a challenger. You must fight them before you are accepted into the tournament. I would implore you to fight with all your might, for if you fight well, you will automatically be accepted to the upper levels of the tournament."
The old man brushes the wind chime again and takes a seat in the shade, putting his arms back into his sleeves. He bows his head one final time, and then looks to your opponent.
Across the ring from you, an asian man stands. You would call him small, but he is so ripped with muscles that it's possible to tell the difference between the different muscles of his biceps, arms, chest, and legs. He quickly moves through the beginning of a kata, and then stops in a dramatic pose, muscles tensing and eyes trained on you.