There's a sweaty nerd (hahaha... okay, there's like fifty but) there's one in line in front of you, who gives up his place when he sees that there's an actual hot girl here! He whimpers something you can't decide is supposed to be a pickup line or a 'please don't hurt me with your cooties,' and moves aside to let you step up to the machine.
There's a simple datajack, and a more akward VR system that you can strap onto your body. In either case, as the kid in front of you gets out, you step into the booth, lit a strange blue color. You slot your credstick, and are ready to go.
As an adept, you don't have the hardware for the datajack, so you spend a minute or so strapping on the helmet, goggles, and knee, eldow, and hand and foot covers modeled after real hand and foot protection. The sweaty nerdboy outside talks you through putting the stuff on, but seems all sorts of afraid to touch you. Apparently his previous encounters with the women have not been kind.
As you slide the helmet on, and adjust the chinstrap, the system loads up, checking each of the prosthetics and asking you to move your arms and legs for a system test. Once the system is satisfied, you are dropped into a digital world that must have taken thousands of hours to render. In the sky far-off clouds float weightlessly. You feel a breeze floating past your cheek from behind you, and as you turn to glance over your shoulder, the corner of your eye catches a glimpse of that blue light of the booth, slightly ruining the illusion.
Still, you are amazed at the level of detail that has been put into programming this game. There are even ants clustered at one end of the battle mat. You watch them scurry for a moment, and then you hear an old man's voice behind you.
"Are you the warrior I was told to wait for? You are here for the contest?"
You turn to face him, and a small anchient chinese man faces you, serene look on his face and his hands quaintly stuffed in his sleeves. He bows as you approach, and says "You are new here. I do not recognize you. Would you like to take a moment and create a new fighter?"
At this point, you realize that you are a generic icon, with chest and height measurements approxamate to your own.
His face lights up with a smile as you approach, and several popup menus appear, allowing you to choose every detail about your fighter. There are seperate menus for sex, height/weight indicators, hair color and styles, eye color and other distinguishing marks, as well as a special section for bust size of women. These guys must not get out much.
So... what are you going to make your fighter look like?