Yeah, people have had a pretty wide range of powers, but I'm interested in re-writing of things we take for granted- I especially liked "Red Son," where Superman was a communist just because his shuttle crashed on earth 12 hours later, and he was raised on a commune by russian communists.
I loved Batman: Year One. It's probably the best comic book I've ever read, because it made me examine Batman's character, where he was coming from, and why he acts the way he does. I also liked the recent storyline where Batman and Superman were taken and raised by time-travellers who killed the people who most affected thier lives, and Batman and Superman became super-villians. Wonderwoman actually led the attack to try and kill them both.
There are still millions upon millions of permutations of those storylines- what if Superman had married Lana Lang, and stayed in Smallville, only to find his destiny later? What if because there was no superman, all the other heroes died, leaving him the last of the heroes?
Oh, if you want a good read, pick up "Wanted," Gabe. It's a book about what the world would be like if all the superheroes were killed- so everyone with powers is a supervillian. Awesome, awesome book.