It would be 3rd edition. I'm pretty laid back. I allow characters to start with top notch shit if they can give me a good enough background (ex. you can have 1-2 items with an availability over 8 if you give me enough of a reason why you would posses it, but remember the better you are, the better your enemies will be). You can use priority system or point based (123 points). You don't have to write me an autobiography on your character, but I am heavy into roleplay so I'd like to know a lil something about them.
I don't tie a fixer or Johnson or anything like that together in common. I'll figure out some way, after reading all the backgrounds, into incorporating you guys together into a team. Now have patience with Nike, she is still new. She's never done a PBP game before. And KV is done and maybe ROOT...anybody else? We'll give the deadline to join by Friday the 16th. Character submission by Wednesday the 21st and hopefully be started by Friday the 23rd. Sound good?