Patch punches another number into his phone after Fuzzy hangs up, dialing Matchsticks to confirm the reservation of the table, and to see who had made the reservation. If it was Fuzzy's deal, he would make the table. If it was the Johnson's deal, well... then it was time to be extra cautious.
"You'd think with the number of times I've called, they would start remembering me,[/color]" Patch said, mostly to himself. It seemed like every time he called, he was speaking to someone new. Matchsticks apparently had an incredibly high employee turnover, which meant that they were safe. People either were too new to know what was going on, or already out the door. While he was listening to the automated message and waiting for someone to pick up, he thumbed open his own briefcase, sorting through the items inside to prepare for the nights events.
His white noise generator was worthless- not only would it not be useable, but Matchsticks was a good meet place because it wasn't necessary. Ambient noise would take care of any laser microphones or long-range listening devices.
For short range devices, he had another toy. He pulled out the bug scanner, thumbing it on, and checking the power supply and settings. He needed time before the meet to scan the area, but be would have it on the entire meet, just in case someone throught to bug the waitress, which he had heard of happening before.
He brought out the certified credstick, the one Mr. Johnson could transfer funds to without too much problem. Unless he tried to trace the funds- then he would run into problems.
He brought out the small datapad, for storing his own copy of the information Mr. Johnson would pass off to them.
Last of all, he pulled the gun out of the hidden compartment at the bottom of the case, weighing it in his hands as he weighed it's usefulness tonight in his mind.