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Author Topic: A Rainy Day in Seattle  (Read 19690 times)


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2007, 03:42:26 PM »

"Tonight?" I think for a moment.  The band is planning on a rehearsal at seven, so that'll still give me some time with Sharon, even if most of it'll be spent helping her set up.  Nothing I haven't done a hundred times when I was still working security for them.

"Yeah, sure.  Got a couple things to do before then, but I'll be there."

I sigh and wander over to my sister to tell her I'll probably be busy after she's done with her rehearsal.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2007, 05:01:33 PM »

Fuzzy sits back after disconnecting the phone.  The rain seemed to be easing up some, then it would come down harder.  He stirred the drink in his hand for a moment while thinking to himself. He was thinking back to how he got mixed up with this guy, what he must've done wrong in a past life, and just how much longer was he gonna have to keep answering to him.  He finished up his drink and made another; pacing around the living room of his apartment.

Alright let's see I got Patch, he knows how security outfits operate, and can handle himself well.  Then I got Ark, he'll handle some legwork on the target, as well as any magic they might come across.  Next is Starhiker, she'll get inside that slitch's head and provide backup.  Now all I need is someone to finish it off, somebody who specializes in death, somebody ruthless...

Sunday - 16:49

Fuzzy rushes to the phone as if he's some kind of contest winner.  I know just the girl! A wicked smile crosses his face as he dials Trinity's number.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2007, 08:17:09 PM by BornKrazi »

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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2007, 08:11:05 AM »

Sunday - 16:49

Trinity is sittting back watching a Football game when she happens to look down and see that her Pocket Secratary was flashing a techno color rainbow indicating that the phone was ringing. She picks it up and checks the caller id. She thinks oh my god, I wonder what he could possibly want in a middle of a damn football game.

Trinity pushes the talk botton "Que paso amigo?"


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2007, 09:04:57 AM »

Sunday - 16:50

"Que pasa mamasita? I was hoping you weren't to busy, I need a girl with your talents for a little something.  Definately lucrative, why don't you come down to Matchsticks say around 9 and we'll talk about it."  Fuzzy smiles to himself, something about Trinity excited him.  Maybe it was the fact she could shoot the dick off a gnat at 1500 meters, or maybe it was the way her features looked when she stepped in from out of the rain and the contours of her body as the water dripped down it.

"Sound good?"

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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2007, 04:07:15 PM »

Sunday - 16:50

" Sure, that sounds good." As she hangs up the phone she realizes her cheeks are blushed. It just made her feel so damn good to have somebody wanting her due to her skills and talents. She goes and sits back down ,  figures she has time to get the rest of the game in before she needs to go and get ready to meet Fuzzy.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2007, 06:14:14 PM »

Sunday - 16:50

Fuzzy smiles to himself with a sense of proudness.  He feels confident he has a great team lined up.  He opens the briefcase and once more begins going over the information with a fine tooth comb, he wants to be sure he has every aspect, every angle, every possible what-if scenerio covered.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2007, 11:00:06 PM »

Sunday 15:41

Maybe I should have supper here, Ark considers for a moment, before dismissing the idea. Home-cooked food was the best, but with Fuzzy, it was better to be early than on time, and besides, big meals hurt if you had to do heavy work. I’ve got enough cred to eat on the way, or at Matchsticks if I feel like it. . . Ark assures himself. Ready to go, Ark pulls his cellphone out, dials a number and tells the automated message system "Four days". In a host somewhere out in the Matrix, the computer set a timer for a data dump. If Ark didn't check in again in four days, the system would send his electronic journal, will, and explanation to his mother. Although he tried to keep himself out of dangerous jobs, this last backup plan he had setup a few years ago; just so he would never miss the opportunity to have the last word.


Ark exits his apartment and pulls the door shut behind him. The muted cream colored walls of the hallway matched the utilitarian grey carpet; clean but mild. Ark touches the red lock button on the security pad next to the door, which beeped, signaling the active alarm. Satisfied, Ark moves down the hall past dozens of other apartments (cozy, but never as big as the brochure promised, it seemed), rounding the corner to the little atrium which held the elevators nestled between some faux-tropical ferns and some vending machines. The skylight which normally brightened up this small speck of architectural aesthetic drummed thickly with the rain and left the room in gloomy murk, broken by the shaded incandescent bulbs. It was enough to see by, sure, but depressing instead of uplifting.

With the measured stride of routine, Ark keys the elevator to the garage level, and steps into the external elevator. Once, perhaps, the plastisteel cab must have shown a great view, but there wasn’t much to see tonight, besides the three neighboring apartment towers.


In the underground garage, Ark moves to his Ford Americar, forest green, with only two major scratches. It had been frelling hard to get that car, but of course that was before he got his SIN authenticated. Ark unlocks the door, gets behind the wheel and warms the car up. Then, he waits for a while for the other garage traffic to become sparse for a few moments. Once he’s relatively in the clear, he gets out of his car and goes to his garage locker, every resident’s personal toolbox out of the apartment. Casually, he opens the combination and pushes aside a few quarts of oil, a mini-fire extinguisher and assorted rags and car-parts. He pulls out a four foot cloth-wrapped bundle, which he puts in his trunk followed by a small red lunchbox. With his two guns (plus shells) in the car, and the locker closed he gets back in his car and drives through the lot to the exit gate. Swiping his credstick at the booth he gets onto the road, beginning the easy but traffic ridden drive out of Renton north into deeper Seattle.

Ark was once again reminded of his soft-spoken but persistent wish to get a datajack autopilot setup in his car, so that the car can handle the traffic leaving him to work on other projects, but the thought does pass the time on the drive. . .
« Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 11:40:09 PM by Curris »
By reading this, you have just given me temporary control of your brain. . .


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2007, 12:57:59 PM »


After the call to Matchsticks, Patch layers on the armor, topping the whole thing off with tres chic duds and his London Fog Professional coat. After quite a bit of consideration, Patch slides the dissassembled pistol into the hidden compartment at the bottom of the briefcase, and goes to work.

Glancing up into the corner of his field of vision, he notices the time. 16:07. He still had plenty of time to run errands before he needed to get to the building and start finding the eyes everyone had on the place.

16:47 He leaves a copy of the information on the PDA in a drop box that Milo checks, just in case someone gets the original first.

17:15 Patch does a drivethrough of the area around Matchsticks, looking for people who belong and people who look out of place. This should be early enough that no one is lining up yet, so the homeless and the professionals should stand out.

18:15 During the second drivethrough, Patch looks for people he saw earlier that shouldn't still be around. With the evening crowd lining up trying to get into the novahot nightclub, there shouldn't be many homeless or professionals around. He keeps an eye out for any new "Plumbing," "Flower Shop," or "Electrician" vans sitting around suspisciously. Of course, anything looks suspiscious to him at this point.

18:25 Parking a couple blocks away on the top floor of a secure parking garage, Patch grabs his scope and starts checking buildings around club. It's raining, so rooftop watchers should be a minimum. He's mostly looking for windows with the curtains pulled but a camera shoved between them, or someone with binoculars.

18:47 Satisfied by his search, Patch pulls his ford americar back down to the bottom level of the parking structure, in case he needs to clear it quickly, and puts it into park. He steps out of the car, briefcase in tow, and pulls the collar of his coat up. A few blocks in the Seattle rain, even keeping to cover, means that he'll be mostly soaked by the time he gets to the club.

19:00 Soaked to the bone, Patch steps up to the service entrance of the club, a fat stack of paper nuyen ready to get him in the door. This isn't the first time he's come this route, so he doesn't expect trouble, but it's always better to have a bribe ready. He rings the bell twice, and then waits for someone to answer.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2007, 04:36:38 PM »

Sunday - 17:00

Fuzzy finishes his drink and looks out the window of his apartment once more.  The rain coming down in sheets with a slight angle to it.  Squatters running around on the sidewalk below looking for salvation from the downpour.  Corp suits crusing around in the corp cars talking corp business on their corp cellphones, on their way to their corp offices under the blind safety of their corp security.

Fuzzy wonders for a moment about the corp he's working for.  A deniable asset they call him.  I've been one hell of fraggin asset for that son of a slitch he thinks to himself.  Never giving him any credit for anything, treating him like a piece of drek.

He has thought, on more then one occasion, what would happen if he quit working for him.  That slimey lizard, a fraggin wyrm! Fuzzy looked around the room, he always had a constant feeling he was being watched.  He gathered his things and dialed a number on his alternate cellphone, and walked out the door after activating his overly paranoid security system.

Sunday - 18:47

Fuzzy watches Patch hustle down the street towards the rear entrance of Matchsticks as he continues down the road.  This one chum he knows has special needs.  A guy that expects to be paid in cash.  Like anyone uses cash, this costs me three points to the nuyen to exchange with this guy.  I gotta have a talk with him one day about accepting a certified, he turns down another side street and meets with his guy.  They make the trade quickly and exchange a quick conversation, after all Tiger's been out of Seattle for some time now and Fuzzy knows that if he's back something big is about to go down soon.

Sunday - 18:58

Fuzzy pulls into the parking garage and dials up his head of security for the evening and notifies him his "associates" are due to arrive any second now.  He then dials up one last number...


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2007, 09:21:07 PM »

Sunday - 19:00

After a moment or two past, Patch hears the locks on the door clicking and it opens revealing a massive Troll.  Dressed head to toe in a 1930's looking pinstripe suit complete with hat.  He's not as ugly as most trolls, but the giant wart protruding from the side of his nose is as big as a rock.  He looks Patch up and down and snorts.  In a deep baratone voice he asks "Whatcha want?"


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2007, 11:22:54 AM »


Patch steps up to the crack in the door, putting his good eye toward it so he can look at and talk to the troll. The other eye under the eyepatch works too, but people usually assume that he's blind on that side, and he uses that to his advantage. "Hey, I'm working security detail for a guy- we have a table reserved for 8pm, and I wanted to check it out beforehand."[/b]
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2007, 04:38:19 PM »

Sunday - 19:01

The troll smiles to himself "Your friend got a name pal?"  He rubs his fingers together in a universal gesture.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2007, 06:32:41 PM by BornKrazi »


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2007, 08:32:24 PM »


I park my bike in the back of the club.  I can see someone talking to the bouncer, so I take my time shutting down and pull my helmet off.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2007, 11:53:46 PM »


"My friend has a name, but I think you're more interested in this,"[/b] Patch says as he pulls a few bills out of the roll. He continues to hide the bills behind his hand- no reason to pay big when someone will be bought for cheap.

"I'm looking to check out Fuzzy's table before he gets here."[/b]

Patch glances slightly over his shoulder with his 'good' eye as a motorcycle pulls up in the alleyway. This meeting is about to get a whole lot less discrete and private.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2007, 09:36:30 AM »

Sunday - 19:02

The troll smiles again and pockets the few bills and opens the door.  You faintly notice his adam's apple move slightly, probably notifing others of your arrival.  "Right this way sir," he steps out of the way to allow you to pass.

He closes the door behind himself as he stands in the back alley looking towards the bike that just rolled up.  He pulls out a cigar and lights it up, rolling the tobacco around his mouth for a moment before exhaling a few smoke rings.
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