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Author Topic: A Rainy Day in Seattle  (Read 19730 times)


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #45 on: March 13, 2007, 11:04:19 PM »


Matchsticks looked ok. No barriers or Astral guards, but that wasn't uncommon for a hole-in-the-wall joint like Matchsticks. It was still pretty empty, although it had some business going. The place had a mild vibe, but the important thing was was that Fuzzy hadn't arrived yet. Returning to his body, Ark sets a timer until 18:45.

Reaching into the backseat, Ark grabs his nylon backpack and pulls out his book. He turns on his car's radio to one of his preferred stations, playing a continuous stream of lyric-less techno, as he opens up to his bookmark. He mumbles to himself as his eyes scan the page and he tries to incorporate the new theories into his current knowledge.


*Beep Beep* Ark flinches at the sound more felt than heard. The two tones were actually very mild, but when caught off-guard, it was kinda jarring. Again regaining his bearings, Ark replaces the bookmark, shoves the book in his backpack, and exits his car. He locks up, and leaves the garage, walking his way to Matchsticks. Unfortunately, the rain has gotten a little worse rather than better, so Ark tries to rush the trip, keeping under the shop awnings on the main streets when possible.


His attempt to avoid the rain is only minorly successful, and Ark is pretty soaked by the time he reaches Matchsticks. Looking at the short line to get in (It would be longer later, wether the weather was nice or not) Ark realizes that he won't be able to get past the crowd, and worse, he forgot his mad cash. . .

Ark walks down the street a short bit, ducking into an alleyway. He checks to make sure that he is unobserved, then puts up his invisibility and stealth spells. Walking back to the enterance, Ark waits for someone to be allowed in, and sneaks in with them, trying both to move quickly and carefully, worried if anyone is noticing the unusal rain hitting him. Once inside he goes into the restroom, where he can drop his spells without being too obvious. He enters a stall, drops his spells, and tries to dry off using some of the toilet paper. On the way out, he passes an angry man who is also trying to dry himself off, between grumbling various insults.

Heading back to the bar, Ark has a drink, to celebrate his bypass of the cover charge, as he watches the rest of the room for signs of Fuzzy or his usual crowd. A quick astral peak shows that he is absent. I can wait for a few minutes, Ark thinks. Maybe the rain stopped him. . . However, after several minutes, amid increasing worry, Ark concludes that he isn't here, and he isn't coming.

Just as Ark is about to leave, his cellphone beeps lightly. Quickly checking the information panel, reading Fuzzy's number, Ark answers. "Hoi chummer, you're late. You said Matchsticks, right?"
By reading this, you have just given me temporary control of your brain. . .


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #46 on: March 14, 2007, 11:04:16 PM »

Sunday - 19:11

"Hoi chum, indeed I said Matchstick's...unfortunately there as been a change of schedule, so I need to move the meet to Fenris Nacht in Tacoma...say 8 o'clock?"  Fuzzy turns into Tacoma and proceeds to the meet location.  He'll need to make a quick call to his security to ensure their privacy has been bought.  It's typically a quiet private bar...prefered by shapshifters, so they are already silent as is, but you can never be too careful.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #47 on: March 21, 2007, 01:18:47 PM »


Patch drops his car into park, giving this place the once-over before opening the door. I don't like this- Mister J better have a really good reason for changing meet spots.

When Patch steps out of the car, it's still raining, so he doesn't bother looking for watchers. Anyone stuck in a hotel room watching a place when visibility was this low had to be bored out of thier skulls.

As Patch crosses the semi-cluttered street, he glances up at the name on the front of the place. Fenris Nacht, huh? What does that mean- feral night?[/i]

With a hundred newyen handshake for the bouncer at the front door, Patch slides inside and out of the rain. His briefcase by his side, Patch moves over to the check-in girl with a charming smile on his face.

"Hey there- I'm arriving before my party for security purposes. The reservation should have been last-minute, but they didn't tell me which table it was."[/b]

He waits half a second for the woman to process that information, and then asks "Can you show me to the table? It should be under the name Fuzzy or Mr. Johnson."[/b]
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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #48 on: March 21, 2007, 10:16:21 PM »

Sunday 19:11

"Fenris Nacht? Well, I can get to Tacoma well enough. I'll be there soon, but 8 o'clock is pretty steep, Fuzzy. See you there."

Quickly slotting his credstick for his drink, Ark leaves the bar and runs back to his car. Firing up, he races off towards Tacoma through the rain, trying to stick to the less crowded backroads, with more stop signs and less stop lights. Blowing through the intersections when it seems safe enough, Ark finally stops at a public access Matrix terminal. Thankfully, this one wasn't too badly vandalized, and the booth's door closed well enough to stop the wind and rain. Ark's clock read 19:33 and time was scarce, but Ark needed to find the place. Jacking in and running a few searches, Ark manages to grab an address for Fenris Nacht and jumps back into his car.

Feeling relieved, Ark slows down and patiently drives to the bar. Luckily, it's less crowded here than at Matchsticks, and Ark manages to find a parking space only a few block away.

Sunday 19:47

One quick astral peak reveals enough awakened people around to make his invisible entry fail horribly, so Ark tries the front door. Getting in line, but keeping his credstick ready and occasionally flashing it at the door guards with that certain smirk of "I have what you need. . ." written on his face, Ark waits for permission to enter.
By reading this, you have just given me temporary control of your brain. . .


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2007, 09:52:21 AM »

Sunday - 19:12

Fuzzy is almost at the club when he dials up Trinity's number.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 12:44:24 PM by BornKrazi »

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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2007, 10:22:06 AM »

Sunday 19:12

As Trinity continues getting ready she happens to hear her phone ring. She looks at her caller I.d and notices that it is Fuzzy. She giggles as she blushes."hey fuzzy waht's up?"


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #51 on: April 01, 2007, 11:51:42 AM »

Sunday - 19:12

"Hey Trinity...listen I had a slight change of plans.  The meet is gonna be at Fenris Nacht in Tacoma.  Say around 8?"

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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #52 on: April 05, 2007, 05:07:06 PM »

Sunday 19:13

"Sounds good to me Fuzzynuts!!!"Trinity pushes a button on her phone to end the call. She is looking around to make sure she has everything. As she exits out her door she chuckles and say"Let's get this party started"


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2007, 10:44:22 AM »

Sunday - 19:39

Fuzzy creeps into the parking garage nearby the meet.  He dials up his personal security advisor, once he gets the thumbs up he exists the vehicle with his briefcase.  He turns the corner to the back alley and approaches the service entrance.  A delicate combination of knocks and the door slides up and the 1930's Pinstripe suit wearing troll escorts him to the table.  He gets things situated and designates security to the various points of entry then orders himself a drink.  I guess it's time...


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #54 on: April 08, 2007, 11:00:19 AM »

Sunday - 19:39

After Patch waited patiently for the hostess to finish what she was doing she promptly escorts you towards the table.  The place is extremely dim and everyone seems uninterested in everyone else.  She takes you down towards the back of the store to the last booth, which is engineered for meets.  It has a slight angle away from everyone else as well as a beautiful red curtain that can be closed.  Patch see's Fuzzy sitting in the booth, he smiles and stands up quickly to shake your hand before offering you a seat.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #55 on: April 09, 2007, 11:01:14 AM »

Sunday - 19:40

Patch smiles, shakes Fuzzy's hand, and waits for the waitress to leave. Once she's gone, he opens his briefcase and pulls out the bugscanner, running it along the walls and area surrounding the booth before being comfortable enough to sit down. He keeps the bugscanner open and on in his lap, but speaks freely to Fuzzy.

"Hey Fuzz. So, who is it we're meeting here, and why did they change the meet on us last second?[/b]
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #56 on: April 09, 2007, 09:06:06 PM »

Sunday 19:40

"We are waiting for the rest of the team.  Sorry I had to change the meet.  My security team sensed some party crashes, and I wanted the meeting to be private if you know what I mean."  Fuzzy leans back and takes a drink.  "Can I get you a drink while we wait?"

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---                          --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---                
Sunday - 19:47

Ark finally is able to get himself in the club after a friendly tip to the doorman.  The hostess leads him back to the rear of the club to the private booth where he see's Fuzzy and another man sitting with a couple drinks.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #57 on: April 12, 2007, 01:00:10 AM »


As Ark approaches the table, Patch will lift his glass in salutation.
"Hoi, chummer. You joining this party? I was just trying to get Fuzzy to part with details early."

After he's done, and while the new participant is sitting down, he'll glance down at the bug detector in his lap for a split second, just to make sure this new guy is on the level.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2007, 12:17:48 AM »

Sunday 19:47

Ark walks over to the table, moivng through the club's front end with a steady, if shy, determination. He arrives at the back booth, meeting both Fuzzy's and the other man's gaze, nodding at their greeting. Judging by the looks of the amiably talking pair, they weren't half as frazzled as the rush to get here had made himself. Reguardless, Ark had arrived on time, and he wasn't noticing anything out of place enough to make him nervous besides the switched location, but things happened.

Setting his backpack under the booth table so as not to be easily snatched, Ark settles into the booth next to the new face, while still giving him his space. "Hello again, Fuzzy. New faces today, eh? I take it, this will not be like last time then?" Ark mentions as he settles down, mostly as a method of breaking the ice.

As he sits, it dawns on Ark just how much more upscale this place is compared to Matchsticks. Granted, the three of them had their privacy back here, but judging by the clientel alone, this place was ritzy. . . Ark wonders just how much the doorman charged, having not had time to discreetly check the balance on the credstick. . .
« Last Edit: April 14, 2007, 12:21:21 AM by Curris »
By reading this, you have just given me temporary control of your brain. . .


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #59 on: April 16, 2007, 10:01:59 AM »

Sunday - 19:48

The drinks make their way to the table and Fuzzy looks up at the two guys who seem a little edgy about one another.  "Well my friend last time was a little 'interesting' to say the least.  This should be null sheen, and easy money.  Like I told Patch, I had to move the meet because my security team spotted a few party crashers, and I want this to be private.  So now we simply wait on the sexiest member of the team, she should arrive shortly."
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