Heyya people, Finally word from the Capt. Been a while cause unfortinatly RLs been pitching me alotta Drek with job hunting and what not. Either way, i've been itching to start up a small game or something.. There are three i really wanna give a go, and them being Alpha Omega, Dark Heresy, and the old FASA MechWarrior RPG.
I myself am aiming more towards Alpha Omega or MechWarrior, both have the good Shadowrunny Feel to them, while Dark Heresy has something kind of like it.
Story Ideas are as follows.
Alpha Omega Takes place in the Chernobyl. Not long before the Meteor Rain a revolutionary new technique on cleaning up left over Fallout was used to clean up the mess, only to take the brunt of the impacts becoming nearly ten times as irradiated as before. Characters work as part of a convoy that works at Salvage, reclamation, and other odd jobs. Threats come from the mutated animals, magical beings, and others salvaging, or trying to keep people out of areas (para-military, ect)
Mechwarrior is kind of the same idea.. cept in space. Characters work aboard a freighter ship that specializes in mercenary work from securing landing zones, setting up landing zones for new colonies, exploring abandoned military bases for equipment and Lostek, and so forth. Even the possiblity of some pirating depending o how things go.. Threats are other mercenaries, the clans, inner sphere, local creatures and whatever else comes along. Books are out of print.. so usually can only find them on file sharing i believe, But on the plus side this Its In Space, and you get small to big fighty robot suits (mechs are more rare then Elemental suits, but would be a fair mix of both)
Details on these games arent to done though, so might be a bit..
Final is WH40k Dark Heresy. Game takes place in a bit diffrent manor then the book describes. Characters are recruit to an Inquisitorial College for training. The school is Darwinism at work so to speak. threats come from other students (less students means they are more likely to get selected for positions) Instructors (If your weak, you dont deserve to survive, and if you are against (or just not in line) with their beliefs thats even more reason why you should die) And Classes (live fire classes, survival, hunting/tracking, and so forth) Not to mention some students can be seeded Heretics put in to test students to see if they can actually find them (carefully selected and monitored so there are threats from Without, and possibly Within.
Im a bit torn on what format to do it though... an occasional ge ttogether over IRC, or maybe even find a good forum with a dice function (i saw one where you would type in some little command thing and when the post was made it would calculate and come out as the roll so people couldnt fix it..)
By chance anybody be interisted..?