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Author Topic: POssible game..  (Read 8852 times)


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POssible game..
« on: September 30, 2008, 06:08:47 PM »

Heyya people, Finally word from the Capt. Been a while cause unfortinatly RLs been pitching me alotta Drek with job hunting and what not. Either way, i've been itching to start up a small game or something.. There are three i really wanna give a go, and them being Alpha Omega, Dark Heresy, and the old FASA MechWarrior RPG.

I myself am aiming more towards Alpha Omega or MechWarrior, both have the good Shadowrunny Feel to them, while Dark Heresy has something kind of like it.

Story Ideas are as follows.
Alpha Omega Takes place in the Chernobyl. Not long before the Meteor Rain a revolutionary new technique on cleaning up left over Fallout was used to clean up the mess, only to take the brunt of the impacts becoming nearly ten times as irradiated as before. Characters work as part of a convoy that works at Salvage, reclamation, and other odd jobs. Threats come from the mutated animals, magical beings, and others salvaging, or trying to keep people out of areas (para-military, ect)

Mechwarrior is kind of the same idea.. cept in space. Characters work aboard a freighter ship that specializes in mercenary work from securing landing zones, setting up landing zones for new colonies, exploring abandoned military bases for equipment and Lostek, and so forth. Even the possiblity of some pirating depending o how things go.. Threats are other mercenaries, the clans, inner sphere, local creatures and whatever else comes along. Books are out of print.. so usually can only find them on file sharing i believe, But on the plus side this Its In Space, and you get small to big fighty robot suits (mechs are more rare then Elemental suits, but would be a fair mix of both)

Details on these games arent to done though, so might be a bit..

Final is WH40k Dark Heresy. Game takes place in a bit diffrent manor then the book describes. Characters are recruit to an Inquisitorial College for training. The school is Darwinism at work so to speak. threats come from other students (less students means they are more likely to get selected for positions) Instructors (If your weak, you dont deserve to survive, and if you are against (or just not in line) with their beliefs thats even more reason why you should die) And Classes (live fire classes, survival, hunting/tracking, and so forth) Not to mention some students can be seeded Heretics put in to test students to see if they can actually find them (carefully selected and monitored so there are threats from Without, and possibly Within.

Im a bit torn on what format to do it though... an occasional ge ttogether over IRC, or maybe even find a good forum with a dice function (i saw one where you would type in some little command thing and when the post was made it would calculate and come out as the roll so people couldnt fix it..)

By chance anybody be interisted..?
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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 10:57:01 AM »

I don't have much experience with any of those systems, but I would be interested in the role-playing aspects of the games, and I can learn the rules.

In any case, you can make dicerolls at Invisible Castle, , so you don't really need a new forum to run things, just an occasional link to outside pages for the rolls.

If Ingo has the programming, he can add 'private' tags and 'ooc' tags to make RPing a little easier. I don't have any idea how to go about adding those, though, and I'm not the type to suggest an upgrade.

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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2008, 10:59:59 AM »

ok, Cool! Thats one person.. ANybody else.. or is this really it, me and kid the last people on the board...?

Oh well, I got some other friends who might be interisted..
So which of the three games sounds most interisting to you..?
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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2008, 11:03:17 AM »

Also Heaps of congradulations on getting into Loma Linda!!! Sorry didnt say nothing sooner but been majorly away for stuff. Hope its going good and your liking it! The world always needs another unscrupulus flesh mek around!
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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2008, 07:29:23 AM »

you're not the only ones left.

I agree that Alpha&Omega or MechWarrior looks like the better ideas.

Warning: my health is ... more exciting than I'd prefer at the time, So I'll not be comitting to anything for a bit.
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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2008, 07:25:06 AM »

I still lurk here as well.

:apoc: If I’m asleep at the bar counter then probably drifted into astral space and forgot where I was so feel free to give me a nudge to bring me back to your reality. :apoc:

Ingo Monk

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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 01:02:07 PM »

I check in semi-regularly, just don't post much these days. :P

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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2008, 07:38:10 AM »

I check in semi-regularly, just don't post much these days. :P

that seems to be the case with many of us.
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2008, 10:04:48 AM »

It does, doesn't it?

Okay, so what can we do that'll get people started posting?

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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2008, 01:26:39 PM »

i've got a pile of mechwarrior books IRL somewhere. use to play back in the day when such things were still published. LOL

only problem with battle tech and mechwarrior was that the RPG aspects of the game were woefully inattiquite. the systems and rules for blowing the crap out of stuff were awesome, and you could get into some amazingly detailed strategies and epic scale destruction... but if you ever climbed out of your 4 story metal behemoth, the rules got a bit... wonkie. I always wanted to try to mate them up with shadowrun for a better Person to Person RPG with some epic scale strategies, but never got arround to working it out.

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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2008, 03:29:07 PM »

The book i got is MechWarrior 3rd edition by Fasa. Seems to pretty much use the shadowrun 2nd/3rdish dice system largely save a few spots. Character creation is done with lifepaths that help determine skills, stat min/maxs, and what not else. Actually kinda cool unlike other life paths.. (they do give yo uthe choice of choosing which path next or rolling). Its not so much about mechs, as the characters piloting. There are mechs, dont get it wrong, but largely it seems to be ELemental powersuits and what not, with occasion being a large full mech or what have you (rather rare to come by)
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Re: Possible game...
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2009, 09:46:14 AM »

In other systems: Get this...

People I know are actually creating SHADOWRUN characters!  The GM has pulled out SHADOWRUN books.  Guys are asking SHADOWRUN related questions.  There may actually be a SHADOWRUN game in the making! 
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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2009, 01:48:17 PM »

good luck with that Zone!
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Ingo Monk

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Re: Possible game...
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2009, 08:54:21 PM »

In other systems: Get this...

People I know are actually creating SHADOWRUN characters!  The GM has pulled out SHADOWRUN books.  Guys are asking SHADOWRUN related questions.  There may actually be a SHADOWRUN game in the making! 

Deng, how awesome is that!?!  I'd love to play in a SR game, none of my buddies like the setting or know the system well enough to run it though :(

There was this one game once where I played an ork street sam... and it was awesome!

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Re: POssible game..
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2009, 04:04:44 PM »

That's awesome! Good for you guys!

Ruski and I have been playing 4th edition- I finally gave it a try, and I have to admit, the rules are a lot easier to run. We've been doing the Shadowrun missions (which are free, and fairly well written), and it's a lot of fun to run- and with the missions written out, it's super-easy.

I highly recommend it.

"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
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