KV said to post my questions to all the various experts among us so...
The idea I'm considering is a heavy weapons troll. Is there something that says what kind of (or how heavy) a weapon can be used with what level strength? He has a 7 strength, so can he fire a medium machine gun while standing or does he have to stick with the light? (Assuming he can afford the medium. Its about double the cost.) What strength would be needed for a medium? A heavy?
Also, single shot (SS) weapons can only be fired once per init pass, but can be fired each pass of an entire round (if they have the ammo capacity)....right? Here's what I'm thinking: 2 Ruger Super Warhawk revolvers (1 in each hand) with ambidextrous. Here's how it would work (in theory):
1st pass: quick draw/shoot right; quick draw/shoot left (free act engage smartgun-right)
2nd pass: fire right; (free act engage smartgun-left); fire left
3rd pass: fire left; (free act engage smartgun-right); fire right
4th pass: fire right; (free act engage smartgun-left); fire left
you get the idea from here.....
Yes, after 6 shots with each hand they would both need to be reloaded, but it's more fun this way. That's why I have 10 speed loaders.
KV supposes that you have to "disconnect" the smartgun from one gun to switch to the other as a free action. I'm hoping that he's wrong (my idea is MUCH cooler that way), but I don't know. Does anybody have any solid info? Pretty please...
There are no strength requirements for heavy weapons, but the GM can always say a scrawny nerd has no chance of firing and controlling a heavy machine gun. Remember that uncompensated recoil on heavy weapons is doubled.
2 RUGERSYou are
not required to have the Ambidexterity quality, that only negates the -2 negative modifier for shooting with your off-hand. It helps however since you
will be using your off-hand.
Attacker Using a Second Firear m
Characters can use two pistol- or SMG-class weapons, one in each
hand, firing both with a single Simple Action. Doing so, however, requires
that the character split his dice pool between the attacks. If two
separate skills are being used (Pistols and Automatics), use the smallest
dice pool. Split the pool before applying modifiers. Two-gun attacks
also negate any dice pool bonuses from smartlinks or laser sights.
Additionally, any uncompensated recoil modifiers applicable to one
weapon also apply to the other weapon.
So in short, split your dice pool, no Smartlink at all, and -2 for your off-hand unless you have Ambidexterity. It's example time!
Example character:
Galbraith 1.0Relative info:Agility: 5 (7)
Pistols: 6 (Semi-Automatics)
Qualities: Ambidextrous
Cyber: Smartlink, Muscle Replacement (2) (factored into Agility)
Pistols pool: 13 (15 for semi-autos) +2 for SmartlinkLet's say for this remake you specialized in the Rugers or revolvers, making your pool 15 +2 with smartlink.
Scenario:Target bad guy at 5 meters (Body 3, reaction 3, armor jacket 8/6)
Shooting both guns at him
Modifiers:Range: 0
Smartlink: 0 (instead of +2)
Ambidextrous: 0 (instead of -2)
Aimed Shot: +1 (Simple Action)
Total pool: 16
Note that you can fire both revolvers as a single simple action, so I used the second simple action available to aim for a +1.
Split pool for shooting: 8 & 8
Not bad, but not awesome. For this scenario let's assume 25% success rate on all rolls and no glitches. That means you'll hit with both guns, with 2 hits each. Bad guy with reaction 3 would get 1 hit on each attack, reducing your net hits to 1 each gun. If he had any skill in dodge or gymnastics for a Full Defense action you would miss.
So, 1 net hit on each gun vs Bad guy's Body 3 plus ballistic armor 8. Your guns have AP -2, reducing armor to 6, for a total soak pool of 9. Assumed success rate means 2 hits. Ruger's 6P + 1 net hit means 7P damage, reduced by 2, for a total of 5 physical
If only firing one gun your pool is 17 +1 for aiming. However if you run the numbers you'll get 3 net hits for 9P, -2 for 7P. So in that extremely simple scenario (and probably best case scenario) firing 2 guns is better than 1. But keep in mind that you drastically reduce your dice pools to the point that anyone with a decent reaction or dodge is much better off defending vs your two guns rather than 1 gun.